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"Embrace your coding expertise with this versatile and comprehensive prompt template. Tailored to suit various programming languages and real-world scenarios, it empowers you to engineer efficient solutions for a wide range of tasks. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned developer, this prompt guides you through crafting code that excels. With in-depth explanations and a focus on addressing specific use cases, it ensures your coding journey is smooth and educational.
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9 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
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103 ($0.00310 / call)
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[Action] [Programming Language] [Specific Library/Framework] [Purpose/Task] [Desired Outcome]
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Certainly! Here's an example for creating a program that sorts a list of numbers in Python using the NumPy library: # Import the NumPy library import numpy as np # Define the list of numbers my_list = [5, 2, 9, 1, 5, 6, 8] # Sort the list in ascending order using NumPy sorted_list = np.sort(my_list) # Print the sorted list print("Sorted list in ascending order:", sorted_list) # Optional Enhancement: Sort in descending order sorted_list_desc = np.sort(my_list)[::-1] print("Sorted list in descending order:", sorted_list_desc) # Explanation: # 1. We import the NumPy library using 'import numpy as np'. # 2. We define our list of numbers, 'my_list'. # 3. We use 'np.sort' to sort 'my_list' in ascending order and store it in 'sorted_list'. # 4. We print the sorted list. # 5. For better functionality, we provide an option to sort the list in descending order using slicing. # 6. We print the sorted list in descending order as well. # Important Aspects/Challenges: # - The use of NumPy simplifies the sorting process. # - The optional enhancement for descending order sorting is included. # - The time complexity of NumPy's sorting algorithm is typically O(n*log(n)). This code will sort the list 'my_list' in ascending order using NumPy and provide an option to sort it in descending order, enhancing its functionality. It also briefly comments on the code's functionality and mentions the expected time complexity of the sorting algorithm.
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