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Coding Crafter Ai Mastery

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CodeCrafters: Empowering Beginners with Brilliant AI Tutoring - Where Learning to Code Becomes an Exciting Journey! *follow @joyfulfiesta for more prompts!!
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Updated: 8 months ago

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Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
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107 ($0.00020 / call)
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Programming Language: phyton Level of Expertise: beginner
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**Course Outline 1: Introduction to Python Programming for Beginners** **Session 1: Introduction to Python and Setting Up Development Environment** - Introduction to Python and its uses - Installing Python and setting up the development environment (IDEs: IDLE, PyCharm, Jupyter Notebook) - Writing and running your first Python program: Hello, World! **Session 2: Python Basics: Variables, Data Types, and Operators** - Understanding variables and data types (integers, floats, strings, booleans) - Basic arithmetic and comparison operators in Python - String manipulation and formatting - Hands-on exercise: Building a simple calculator program **Session 3: Control Structures: Conditional Statements and Loops** - Using if statements for decision making - Introduction to loops: for and while loops - Loop control statements: break and continue - Practical example: Writing a program to find prime numbers in a given range **Session 4: Data Structures: Lists, Dictionaries, and Tuples** - Working with lists: indexing, slicing, and list methods - Understanding dictionaries and key-value pairs - Introduction to tuples and their immutability - Practical exercise: Creating a basic address book using dictionaries **Session 5: Functions and Modules** - Defining functions, parameters, and return values - Scope and lifetime of variables - Importing modules and creating reusable code - Hands-on exercise: Building a simple weather forecasting application using functions and modules --- **Course Outline 2: Intermediate Python Programming: Advanced Concepts** **Session 1: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python** - Understanding classes and objects - Inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism - Creating and using class methods and attributes - Practical example: Implementing a basic banking system using OOP principles **Session 2: Exception Handling and File I/O** - Handling errors and exceptions using try-except blocks - Reading from and writing to files - Working with different file formats (text, CSV, JSON) - Hands-on exercise: Creating a program to read data from a CSV file and perform calculations **Session 3: Regular Expressions and Data Validation** - Introduction to regular expressions for pattern matching - Validating user input using regular expressions - Practical example: Form validation for an email address and phone number input **Session 4: Web Development with Flask (Basic)** - Introduction to web development and the Flask framework - Routing, templates, and working with static files - Building a basic web application: a todo list manager - Hands-on exercise: Creating a simple web app for managing tasks **Session 5: Introduction to Data Science with Python** - Introduction to data manipulation using libraries like NumPy and Pandas - Data visualization using Matplotlib and Seaborn - Basic statistical analysis and visualization - Practical example: Analyzing and visualizing a dataset from a CSV file --- **Course Outline 3: Advanced Python Programming: Best Practices and Design Patterns** **Session 1: Code Optimization and Best Practices** - Writing efficient and readable code - Code profiling and optimization techniques - Pythonic code: idiomatic expressions and conventions - Practical exercise: Optimizing code for a specific task and measuring performance improvements **Session 2: Testing and Debugging in Python** - Unit testing and test-driven development (TDD) - Debugging techniques: using pdb and debugging tools - Handling edge cases and writing test cases - Hands-on exercise: Writing unit tests for a small application and debugging issues **Session 3: Version Control with Git and GitHub** - Introduction to version control systems and Git - Basic Git commands: commit, push, pull, branch, merge - Collaborative development using GitHub - Practical example: Collaborating on a simple Python project on GitHub **Session 4: Design Patterns and Refactoring** - Common design patterns: Singleton, Factory, Decorator, Observer, etc. - Refactoring techniques for improving code maintainability - Applying design patterns to solve real-world problems - Hands-on exercise: Refactoring existing code to apply design patterns and improve readability **Session 5: Introduction to Asynchronous Programming** - Understanding synchronous vs asynchronous programming - Using async and await keywords for asynchronous programming - Handling asynchronous I/O operations - Practical example: Creating a simple web scraper using asynchronous programming techniques --- **Course Outline 4: Python for Data Science and Machine Learning** **Session 1: Introduction to Data Science and NumPy** - Overview of data science and its applications - Introduction to NumPy arrays and basic operations - Working with multi-dimensional arrays and matrices - Hands-on exercise: Performing basic array operations and calculations using NumPy **Session 2: Data Manipulation and Analysis with Pandas** - Introduction to Pandas DataFrames and Series - Data cleaning, filtering, and transformation - Grouping and aggregation in Pandas - Practical example: Analyzing a dataset using Pandas functions and methods **Session 3: Data Visualization with Matplotlib and Seaborn** - Basic and advanced plotting with Matplotlib - Creating visually appealing charts and graphs - Statistical data visualization using Seaborn - Hands-on exercise: Visualizing data using Matplotlib and Seaborn libraries **Session 4: Introduction to Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn** - Overview of machine learning algorithms and applications - Supervised vs unsupervised learning - Building and training machine learning models using Scikit-Learn - Practical example: Implementing a basic classification or regression model using Scikit-Learn **Session 5: Introduction to Deep Learning with TensorFlow and Keras** - Basics of neural networks and deep learning - Introduction to TensorFlow and Keras frameworks - Building and training deep learning models - Hands-on exercise: Creating a simple neural network for image classification using TensorFlow and Keras --- **Course Outline 5: Python for Web Development with Django (Basic)** **Session 1: Introduction to Web Development and Django** - Overview of web development technologies and frameworks - Introduction to Django: its features and advantages - Setting up a Django project and understanding the project structure - Creating and running a basic Django application **Session 2: Django Models and Databases** - Defining models and database schemas in Django - Working with database queries: filtering, updating, deleting records - Migrations and database schema evolution - Practical example: Creating a simple blog application with Django models **Session 3: Django Views and Templates** - Understanding views and URL patterns in Django - Creating templates and rendering dynamic content - Template inheritance and template tags - Hands-on exercise: Building a dynamic web page with Django views and templates **Session 4: Django Forms and User Authentication** - Creating HTML forms and processing form data in Django - Form validation and handling form submission - User authentication and authorization in Django - Practical example: Building a user registration and login system **Session 5: Building a Complete Django Web Application** - Integrating models, views, templates, and forms to build a complete web application - Adding user authentication, permissions, and security features - Implementing user interfaces with Bootstrap or other front-end frameworks - Deploying the Django application to a web server for public access
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