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Compose Heartfelt Greeting Instructions

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🎉✨Experience the art of personalized greetings with our unique prompt, designed to craft heartfelt messages for any holiday or special occasion!🎁🎄 Perfect for conveying deep emotions and warmth, this prompt creates greetings that feel as if they're written by a close friend, touching the heart with sincerity and a human touch. Moreover, it skillfully mirrors the style of any sample message you provide, ensuring your greeting resonates with the same affectionate and unique tone!
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Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
350 ($0.07350 / call)
Example input
Input 1. Wish my beloved grandmother a Merry Christmas. She is a very dear member of our family. Input 2. A friend of mine wished me a happy birthday with a message like this: " My Dear Bro, I wish you a happy birthday! I wish you success in all your endeavors, ironclad health, less brainwashing from idiots at work, and happiness in general Congratulations to you again :) " I want a congratulations for him in a similar style, but with an emphasis on good luck in his scientific work and finding a girlfriend, lol
Example output
Output 1. Certainly! Here's a warm and heartfelt Christmas greeting for your beloved grandmother: --- Dear Grandma, As the Christmas lights twinkle and the air fills with the scent of pine and festive spices, my heart overflows with gratitude and love for you. Merry Christmas, the most cherished and adored member of our family! In this season of joy and giving, I am reminded of the countless ways you've enriched our lives. Your laughter is our carol, your wisdom our guiding star, and your love the greatest gift of all. Your stories, like timeless ornaments, adorn the tree of our family's history, each one sparkling with the magic of your spirit. You've knitted our family together with threads of kindness and warmth, much like the cozy blankets you've lovingly crafted for us. This Christmas, as we gather to celebrate, my heart is filled with gratitude for the blessing of having you in our lives. May this holiday season wrap you in the same comfort and joy you bring to all of us every day. May your days be merry and bright, filled with laughter, love, and the warmth of family. With all my love and hugs, [Your Name] --- I hope this message conveys the deep affection and respect you have for your grandmother. Feel free to personalize it further with any special memories or details that make your relationship with her unique. Output 2. Absolutely! Here's a birthday message for your friend, mirroring the style and tone of their message to you: --- Hey Champ, Happy Birthday, my man! 🎉 On this awesome day, I'm sending you truckloads of good vibes for an epic year ahead. May success chase you down in every scientific endeavor you embark on. May your brain be as sharp as Einstein's, your theories as groundbreaking as Newton's, and your experiments as successful as Curie's. In the world of science, you're the next big thing! And hey, speaking of experiments, I wish you all the luck in the universe in finding that special someone. May Cupid's arrow hit the bullseye this year. I'm talking about finding a girlfriend who's as cool and understanding as she is brilliant. Someone who gets your 'E=mc²' jokes and laughs at your 'Schrödinger’s cat' puns. Here's to less nonsense at work, more breakthroughs in the lab, and a love story that beats any scientific discovery. Happy Birthday, dude! Keep rocking and never stop being the amazing person you are. Cheers to you, bro! 🍻 --- Feel free to tweak it to make it even more personal or to include any inside jokes you share!
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