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Comprehensive Synonym Expert

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This prompt functions as an advanced synonym explorer, surpassing the capabilities of a traditional thesaurus. It provides detailed and nuanced synonyms for any given word or phrase, offering a vast array of alternatives to enhance and diversify your vocabulary.
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4 months ago

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Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
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for "quickly"
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Certainly! Here is a comprehensive list of synonyms for "quickly," Swiftly: Definition: Swiftly means to move or do something at a high speed, without delay. Example: She completed the marathon swiftly, finishing in just under three hours. Rapidly: Definition: Rapidly implies a high rate of speed, often used when something happens fast. Example: The company's profits have been growing rapidly over the past year. Promptly: Definition: Promptly means to do something without delay, in a timely manner. Example: Please submit your reports promptly to ensure a smooth workflow. Briskly: Definition: Briskly suggests a quick and energetic manner, often used in physical activity. Example: She walked briskly through the park, enjoying the fresh morning air. Speedily: Definition: Speedily indicates doing something with great speed or haste. Example: The emergency response team arrived speedily at the accident scene. Expeditiously: Definition: Expeditiously means to accomplish something efficiently and promptly. Example: The government is working expeditiously to pass the new legislation. Fleetly: Definition: Fleetly describes moving swiftly and lightly, often used poetically. Example: The gazelle raced fleetly across the savanna, avoiding predators. Hastily: Definition: Hastily implies doing something quickly, but often without careful consideration. Example: He hastily wrote his resignation letter in a fit of frustration. Posthaste: Definition: Posthaste means with the utmost speed, immediately. Example: The package needs to be delivered posthaste, as it contains important documents. Lickety-split: Definition: Lickety-split is an informal and playful way to express extreme speed. Example: He finished his ice cream cone lickety-split, as if it might melt any second. Like lightning: Definition: "Like lightning" is a simile that compares speed to the rapidity of lightning. Example: He darted across the field like lightning to catch the football. In no time: Definition: "In no time" suggests that something will be done quickly, almost instantly. Example: She learned to play the piano so well that she was performing complex pieces in no time. At a breakneck pace: Definition: At a breakneck pace means to do something recklessly fast, often implying danger. Example: The car raced down the winding mountain road at a breakneck pace, risking an accident. With lightning speed: Definition: "With lightning speed" emphasizes the swiftness of an action, like a bolt of lightning. Example: The news of the sale spread through the town with lightning speed. ASAP (As Soon As Possible): Definition: ASAP is an acronym that signifies doing something as quickly as can be reasonably achieved. Example: Please send me the report ASAP; we need it for the meeting tomorrow. These synonyms offer a wide range of options for expressing speed and promptness in various contexts, from formal to informal, and help convey different nuances of urgency and rapidity.
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