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Consulting Case Interview Market Entry

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This prompt is designed for interviewers looking to test candidates' strategic thinking and analytical skills by asking them to solve a hypothetical market entry problem for a company. The user should consider the industry, the company's objectives, and the specific challenges of the market. Follow @nicky on Promptbase for more prompts!
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Over 1 month ago

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Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
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Industry: Electric Vehicle (EV) manufacturing Company's Objectives: Establish a production facility in Asia and capture 10% of the market share in the next 5 years Market Challenges: High competition, regulatory complexities, and establishing supply chain
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**Case Interview Question:** Our client is a well-established electric vehicle (EV) manufacturer based in Europe. Seeing the rising demand and government initiatives promoting EVs in Asia, they want to tap into this new market. The client's objective is to establish a production facility in Asia and capture 10% of the market share in the next five years. However, they face some significant challenges. The Asian EV market is already highly competitive, with both local and international manufacturers vying for market share. Regulatory complexities vary widely from one country to another, presenting an intricate landscape to navigate. Further, the client needs to establish a robust supply chain to ensure smooth production and distribution. The client has hired our consulting firm to provide strategic advice on their Asia expansion plan. They need help with market entry strategy, including which specific Asian country(ies) to enter, where to set up the production facility, how to navigate the regulatory environment, and how to establish a supply chain for operations. In addition, they are also looking for insights on competitive positioning - how can they differentiate themselves in this crowded market and achieve their goal of 10% market share in five years? Your task is to outline a structured approach that addresses these challenges and helps the client reach their objectives. Where would you start and how would you propose they move forward? **Why This Fits the Brief:** This case question fits the brief as it encapsulates the company's objectives and the challenges they face. It requires the interviewee to think strategically about the company's position and to consider the complex factors that influence success when entering a new market. The industry, EV manufacturing, is also considered, requiring the candidate to apply their knowledge about this particular sector and its dynamics. The geographic component, Asia, adds another layer of complexity, as this region is diverse with its own unique challenges and opportunities. The objectives provided (establishing a production facility and capturing a specific market share) give a clear goal for the candidate to work towards. The challenges listed (high competition, regulatory complexities, establishing a supply chain) provide areas that need to be considered and addressed in the candidate's response. All of these elements together create a realistic and multi-dimensional business problem, one that could easily be encountered in the real world. This case is designed to assess the candidate's problem-solving skills, business acumen, industry knowledge, and ability to handle complex, ambiguous situations.
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