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Content Converter To Human Language

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Discover the Magic of Simplicity: Convert complex AI-generated content into clear, simple human language with ease. This prompt expertly simplifies technical terms, shortens sentences, and ensures your message is engaging and relatable. Perfect for any audience, it transforms sophisticated information into natural, conversational speech. Make your content accessible and enjoyable for everyone today!
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Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4o (gpt-4o)
Token size
301 ($0.01505 / call)
Example input
[Insert AI-generated content here]: "AI-generated content often employs sophisticated algorithms to parse and synthesize vast datasets, facilitating predictive analytics and enabling automated decision-making processes." [describe the audience, e.g., "middle school students," "senior citizens," "general public with no technical background"]: middle school students. [e.g., "friendly and conversational," "informative yet casual," "humorous and light-hearted"]: friendly and conversational. [number of words or sentences, e.g., "200 words," "10 sentences"]: 50 words.
Example output
Original: "AI-generated content often employs sophisticated algorithms to parse and synthesize vast datasets, facilitating predictive analytics and enabling automated decision-making processes." Simplified: "AI uses smart programs to look at a lot of information, like a teacher checking students' homework. This helps it make guesses about what might happen next and make choices on its own, like deciding the best move in a game. It's like having a super smart helper!"
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