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Couples Therapy Expert

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This prompt is very useful for anyone that wishes to use it to diagnose their own relationship or for couple councilors/professionals that want a 2nd opinion on the notes they have taken down regarding the couple's dating/ marital challenges. It will provide feedback on the psychology behaviour of the couples, disclosing any personality or mental disorders, suggest how to resolve issues, and provide numerous number of techniques the couples can practise depending on the issue outlined.
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Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
256 ($0.00770 / call)
Example input
Lisa and Tom are a wedded pair. Lisa and Tom struggle to discuss their unfulfilled desires within their marriage. Lisa frequently attempts to initiate conversations with Tom about their issues. She approaches Tom gently when bringing up topics, but Tom instantly becomes irate and shouts at Lisa, accusing her of being confrontational. Following this, he proceeds to ignore Lisa for four days, not engaging in any conversation. Lisa feels disheartened and believes that Tom doesn't love her. This pattern repeats itself every month. Lisa has suggested couples counseling to Tom, but he has continuously declined.
Example output
Suspected mental disorders: Tom's anger and withdrawal behaviors may indicate an underlying issue such as anxiety, depression, or a personality disorder. Both partners should seek individual psychological assessments and, if necessary, appropriate treatment. Communication strategies: The couple should focus on active listening, empathy, and assertiveness. They can practice the "speaker-listener" technique, where each person takes turns speaking and listening without interruption. Behavior-based strategies: Lisa and Tom should establish boundaries, recognize their triggers, and create a plan to handle conflicts more constructively. Couples counseling: Encourage Tom to reconsider attending couples counseling with Lisa. Counseling can provide a safe space for them to work on communication and unmet needs with a trained professional. Support network: The couple should seek support from friends, family, or support groups. Summary recommendation: Lisa and Tom should focus on improving communication and emotional connection through communication strategies, behavior-based approaches, and couples counseling. They should also prioritize self-care and seek individual support. Divorce should not be considered at this point; the couple should first exhaust all avenues of improvement. Partner programs for Lisa and Tom to practice together: Active listening exercise: Each partner takes turns sharing their thoughts and feelings while the other partner actively listens, paraphrases, and validates. Appreciation exercise: Each partner shares three things they appreciate about the other. This helps build a positive atmosphere and emotional connection. Emotional check-ins: Set aside time each day to discuss emotions, thoughts, and concerns. This fosters understanding and emotional intimacy. Conflict resolution role-play: Role-play scenarios where conflict arises and practice using healthy communication strategies to resolve the issue. Love languages: Learn each other's love languages and practice expressing love and appreciation in ways that resonate with each partner. Appreciation exercise: Each partner shares three things they appreciate about the other. This helps build a positive atmosphere and emotional connection. Emotional check-ins: Set aside time each day to discuss emotions, thoughts, and concerns. This fosters understanding and emotional intimacy. Conflict resolution role-play: Role-play scenarios where conflict arises and practice using healthy communication strategies to resolve the issue. Love languages: Learn each other's love languages and practice expressing love and appreciation in ways that resonate with each partner. Gratitude journal: Maintain a shared gratitude journal where both partners write down things they are grateful for in their relationship. Review it together weekly. Weekly planning and goal-setting: Set aside time each week to discuss goals and plans for the week, both individually and as a couple. Fun activities: Schedule regular activities that both partners enjoy to strengthen their bond and create positive memories. Mindfulness meditation: Practice mindfulness meditation together to improve emotional regulation and communication. Couples counseling homework: Complete any exercises or homework assigned by the therapist during couples counseling sessions. This will ensure continuous improvement outside of the therapy environment.
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