Prompt Details
Completion - GPT-3.5 (text-davinci-003)
Token size
454 ($0.00910 / call)
Example input
Industry: [specify industry]
Tone of voice: [thoughtful and knowledgeable]
Targeting: [professionals in the [specify industry] industry]
Example output
1. Did you know that the latest trends in the [specify industry] industry are rapidly evolving? Here are the key things you need to know to stay ahead of the curve. #[specify industry]
2. Ready to take your career in the [specify industry] industry to the next level? Here are the top three skills you need to succeed. #[specify industry]
3. Did you know that customer demands in the [specify industry] industry are changing? Here are the strategies you need to stay competitive. #[specify industry]
4. Have you heard the latest news in the [specify industry] industry? Stay ahead of the competition with this comprehensive overview. #[specify industry]
5. Wondering what the future of the [specify industry] industry looks like? Take a look at these expert predictions. #[specify industry]
6. Are you curious about the technology trends impacting the [specify industry] industry? Here’s a breakdown of the latest developments. #[specify industry]
7. Have you been missing out on the best practices in the [specify industry] industry? Here’s a quick guide to get you up to speed. #[specify industry]
8. Want to make sure you’re on the cutting edge of the [specify industry] industry? Here are the top three trends you need to watch out for. #[specify industry]
9. Are you looking to level up your knowledge of the [specify industry] industry? Here are the key insights you need to know. #[specify industry]
10. Looking for the latest research about the [specify industry] industry? Check out this deep dive into the latest insights. #[specify industry]