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Custom Study Plan Generator

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Do you want to improve in any skill of your choice? With this customizable prompt, you will achieve success in your learning. Set study time, level of experience, learning style, availability of study hours, and final goals. Whether you're a beginner or looking to take your skills to the next level, this personalized plan will help you achieve specific objectives. With a detailed study plan, tailored resources and activities, start your path to mastery today!
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1 year ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
Token size
111 ($0.00020 / call)
Example input
1- Configure the field of study or skill that you want to improve. Example: Animation 2- Set your current level in this skill. Example: Beginner 3- Personalize the number of hours you have available to study each day. Example: 3 hours per day. 4- Determine the length of time you want your study plan to last. Example: 40 days. 5- Customize the learning style that you prefer. Example: Tutorials and practical projects. 6- Personalize the main goal of your study plan. Example: Create an animated short film.
Example output
Great to hear that you are interested in learning animation! Based on your goals and preferences, here's a personalized learning plan that you can follow for 40 days to develop your skills and create an animated short film from scratch: Day 1-5: Getting Started with Animation • Watch an introduction to animation tutorial on YouTube (such as "Animation Tutorial for Beginners" by Jazza) • Familiarize yourself with the animation software of your choice (such as Adobe Animate, Toon Boom Harmony, or Blender) by watching a software-specific tutorial series • Practice drawing basic shapes and objects in the software to get comfortable with the tools • Try out basic animation techniques, such as keyframing and tweening • Start brainstorming ideas for your short film Day 6-10: Character Design and Rigging • Watch tutorials on character design principles (such as "Character Design Basics" by Aaron Blaise) • Sketch out rough character designs for your short film • Choose one design to refine and finalize • Watch tutorials on character rigging in your chosen software (such as "Character Rigging in Toon Boom Harmony" by CartoonSmart) • Practice rigging your character, adding bones and controls Day 11-15: Animation Basics • Watch tutorials on animation principles (such as "12 Principles of Animation" by Alan Becker) • Practice animating your character using the basic techniques you learned earlier • Refine your animation to improve timing, spacing, and fluidity • Experiment with different types of animation, such as squash and stretch or anticipation • Begin animating a short scene for your short film • Day 16-20: Lip Sync and Facial Expressions • Watch tutorials on lip sync and facial expressions (such as "Lip Sync Tutorial" by CartoonSmart) • Practice creating facial expressions and lip syncing for your character • Record yourself speaking lines of dialogue for your short film and use them to practice lip syncing • Continue animating your scene, adding lip sync and facial expressions where needed Day 21-25: Background Design and Layout • Watch tutorials on background design and layout (such as "Background Design for Animation" by Marco Bucci) • Sketch out rough background designs for your short film • Choose one design to refine and finalize • Watch tutorials on background layout in your chosen software (such as "Background Layout in Toon Boom Harmony" by CartoonSmart) • Practice laying out your background and adding it to your scene • Day 26-30: Effects and Lighting • Watch tutorials on adding special effects and lighting to your animation (such as "Adding Special Effects in Blender" by CG Boost) • Experiment with different effects and lighting styles to enhance your scene • Refine your effects and lighting until you are satisfied with the look and feel of your scene • Begin animating the next scene in your short film Day 31-35: Sound Design • Watch tutorials on sound design for animation (such as "Sound Design for Animation" by Film Riot) • Gather sound effects and music to use in your short film • Edit and mix your sound effects and music to fit your animation • Add sound to your scenes, including dialogue, music, and sound effects Day 36-40: Finalizing and Exporting • Watch tutorials on finalizing and exporting your animation (such as "Exporting Your Animation from Adobe Animate" by Adobe Creative Cloud) • Make final tweaks to your animation, including adding transitions and finalizing timing • Export your animation in a format suitable for your intended use (such as MP4 or MOV) • Share your finished short film with friends, family, and online communities • Resources: • YouTube tutorials from channels such as Jazza, Alan Becker, Aaron Blaise, CartoonSmart, and CG Boost, among others, can be very helpful for learning animation. • Software-specific tutorial series, such as Adobe Animate tutorials on the Adobe website or Toon Boom Harmony tutorials on the Toon Boom website • Online courses, such as the "Animation Bootcamp" course on School of Motion or the "Animation Foundations" course on Pluralsight • Animation books, such as "The Animator's Survival Kit" by Richard Williams or "The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation" by Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston. • Remember to take breaks and practice regularly to improve your skills. Good luck with your animation journey and creating your animated short film!
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