Example input
- [Company Name]
- [Type of Products or Services]
- [Start Date] and [End Date]
- [Percentage]
- [Recognition Title]
- Example: Best Customer Service of the Year, Excellence in Innovation Award
- [Customer Service Availability]
- [Type of Communication Content]
- Example: tutorial videos, online user guides
- [Start Date of Communication Content]
- [Launch Date of Loyalty Program]
- [Target Percentage for Satisfaction]
- [Positive Product Feedback]
- Example: very satisfied with durability, impressed by cutting-edge technology
- [Comment on Shopping Experience]
- Example: easy and quick purchase, well-guided process
- [Comment on Customer Service]
- Example: very responsive support, personalized and helpful advice
- [Goal to Increase Customer Satisfaction]
- [Target Year]
- Example: 2024, 2025
Example output
Dear Customer,
Thank you for choosing LumiรจreTech for your smart lighting solutions needs. To continue improving our products and services, we invite you to participate in our satisfaction survey. Your opinion is crucial to us!
### Section 1: Product Quality
1. How do you rate the quality of our smart lighting products that you purchased between January 1st and June 30th, 2023?
- Very dissatisfied
- Dissatisfied
- Neutral
- Satisfied
- Very satisfied
2. Do you have any suggestions to improve the quality of our products?
### Section 2: Shopping Experience
1. How would you describe your shopping experience on our recently optimized online platform?
- Very difficult
- Difficult
- Neutral
- Easy
- Very easy
2. What aspects of our shopping process could we improve?
### Section 3: Customer Service
1. How do you rate the effectiveness and availability of our customer service, voted "Best Customer Service of the Year 2023"?
- Very dissatisfied
- Dissatisfied
- Neutral
- Satisfied
- Very satisfied
2. Do you have specific examples where our customer service excelled or needs improvement?
### Section 4: Communication and Information
1. Has the clarity of the information provided, especially through our explanatory videos for each product since March 2023, met your expectations?
- Not clear at all
- Slightly clear
- Neutral
- Clear
- Very clear
2. What other means of communication could we use to inform you effectively?
### Section 5: Loyalty and Programs
1. How do you perceive our loyalty program launched in May 2023?
- Very unattractive
- Unattractive
- Neutral
- Attractive
- Very attractive
2. What benefits or improvements would you suggest for our loyalty program?
### Overall Assessment
1. Please rate your overall experience with LumiรจreTech.
- Very dissatisfied
- Dissatisfied
- Neutral
- Satisfied
- Very satisfied
2. Any additional comments or suggestions?
We sincerely appreciate the time you spend completing this survey. Your feedback is crucial to help us reach our goal of 90% customer satisfaction for the current year and to aim for a 5% increase by the end of 2023.
Thank you for your participation,
The LumiรจreTech Team