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Cute Minimal Illustrations For Child Books

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Hey there! I've got this cool idea for a MidJourney prompt that I think you'll love. It's all about creating a cute, minimalistic illustration that's perfect for a children's book. The best part? I'm using MidJourney's new 'Style' feature, which really brings the prompt to life and keeps the style consistent throughout. I'm excited to share this with you because it's something a bit different and super charming. The key features to remember are 'cute', 'minimalistic', and 'perfect for kids'.
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6 months ago
Cute Minimal Illustrations For Child Books
Cute Minimal Illustrations For Child Books
Cute Minimal Illustrations For Child Books
Cute Minimal Illustrations For Child Books
Cute Minimal Illustrations For Child Books
Cute Minimal Illustrations For Child Books
Cute Minimal Illustrations For Child Books
Cute Minimal Illustrations For Child Books
Cute Minimal Illustrations For Child Books
Cute Minimal Illustrations For Child Books
Puzzle effect is a watermark and not part of the image.
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