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CV Supercharge Ace Your Job Search

CV Supercharge Ace Your Job Search gpt prompt mini thumbnail
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This prompt is designed to interact with users who want assistance with their CV (curriculum vitae) by providing their CV information and specifying the type of job they are applying for. It allows users to choose the kind of assistance they want with their CV, such as analysis, tips for improvement, grammar correction, or specific requests.
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Updated: Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
318 ($0.00950 / call)
Example input
Example input: User: [Y/N] Y User CV information: [User's CV information] User job type: [Please pastes or writes the type of job you're applying for] Marketing Manager User selected options: [Example: 1, 2 / 3] 1, 2 User specific request: [Please types your specific request] Could you also provide feedback on the overall layout and design?
Example output
User: Y User CV information: [User's CV information] User job type: Marketing Manager User selected options: 1, 2 User specific request: Could you also provide feedback on the overall layout and design? Great! Thank you for sharing your CV. Based on the information provided, you are applying for a Marketing Manager position. I will analyze your CV and provide feedback, as well as offer tips and suggestions for improvement. I'll also consider the overall layout and design and provide feedback on that as well. Please give me a moment to review your CV. Analyzes the CV Assistant: After reviewing your CV, I have some feedback for you. Firstly, your work experience section could benefit from more specific bullet points highlighting your achievements and impact in each role. Secondly, consider organizing your skills section based on relevance to the marketing field. Lastly, in terms of design, I recommend using a clean and professional template that enhances readability. Let me know if you would like more detailed suggestions or if there's anything else I can assist you with.
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