Example output
1. In October 2019, Calypso experienced a data breach that exposed the personal data of more than 750,000 customers. The company reported that the breach was discovered on October 15th, but that it had been ongoing since April of the same year. According to reports, the data exposed included names, home addresses, birth dates, and email addresses.
Source: https://www.csoonline.com/article/3503060/data-breach-at-calypso-exposes-personal-data-of-over-750000-customers.html
2. In March 2019, Calypso reported a data breach in which the personal information of 1.1 million customers was exposed. The company stated that the breach occurred on February 2nd, and that the data exposed included names, home addresses, email addresses, and passwords.
Source: https://www.darkreading.com/threat-intelligence/calypso-data-breach-exposes-11-million-customer-records/d/d-id/1335448