Example output
Data Overview: The dataset comprises 10,000 rows and 15 columns. The columns include customer ID, purchase amount, date of purchase, product category, shipping region, and more. Upon initial exploration, it seems that customers from certain regions tend to spend more, and there might be a correlation between purchase frequency and specific product categories.
Handling Missing Values: To handle missing values, start by identifying which columns contain missing data and their percentage of missing values. For columns with a small percentage of missing values, consider imputation techniques like mean, median, or mode replacement based on the column's nature. For columns with a high percentage of missing values, dropping them might be necessary if they don't significantly contribute to the analysis.
Dealing with Outliers: Outliers can skew analysis. Use statistical methods like IQR (Interquartile Range) or z-scores to detect outliers in numerical columns. Once identified, consider whether these outliers are erroneous data points or genuinely representative of extreme cases. Depending on the context, you can either remove them if they're anomalies or apply transformations (like capping or flooring) to minimize their impact.
Encoding Categorical Variables: For categorical variables like product category or shipping region, consider using one-hot encoding, especially when the categories don't have a natural order. This method creates binary columns for each category, preventing bias in algorithms that might interpret ordinality where none exists.
Feature Scaling: Evaluate whether your chosen machine learning algorithms are sensitive to feature scales. Techniques like normalization (scaling features between 0 and 1) or standardization (scaling features to have mean 0 and variance 1) can help algorithms converge faster and prevent certain features from dominating others due to their larger scales.
Dimensionality Reduction: Assess if reducing the dataset's dimensionality without losing critical information is beneficial. Techniques like Principal Component Analysis (PCA) can be useful for reducing feature dimensions while retaining most of the variance. However, ensure you're not losing essential information in the process.
By addressing these steps, you'll prepare your e-commerce dataset for more accurate and efficient analysis.