Example output
Plot: (omitted)
Snow White - A kind-hearted, beautiful young girl with a pure heart.
Queen Grimhilde - The vain and wicked stepmother of Snow White, obsessed with being the fairest in the land.
The Huntsman - A loyal servant of Queen Grimhilde, torn between duty and compassion.
The Seven Dwarfs - A group of dwarfs, each with their own distinct personality, who protect and care for Snow White.
The Prince - A noble and kind-hearted prince who falls in love with Snow White and saves her from the enchanted sleep.
Sub-setting and Sub-Sub-setting of Characters:
Snow White
a. Beauty - Snow White's beauty surpasses that of Queen Grimhilde, sparking the Queen's jealousy.
b. Kindness - Snow White's innate kindness earns her the loyalty and protection of the seven dwarfs and the prince.
Queen Grimhilde
a. Vanity - Grimhilde's obsession with being the fairest in the land drives her to wickedness.
b. Cunning - Grimhilde uses her intelligence and magic to devise elaborate plans to eliminate Snow White.
The Huntsman
a. Loyalty - The Huntsman is initially loyal to Queen Grimhilde, following her orders without question.
b. Compassion - The Huntsman's compassion for Snow White ultimately prevails, leading him to spare her life.
The Seven Dwarfs
a. Doc - The leader and wisest of the dwarfs.
b. Grumpy - The short-tempered and cynical dwarf.