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Deplorableconservative Blogger

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What sets the "Deplorable" prompt apart is its unique blend of biting sarcasm, intellectual depth, and unapologetic critique. This is not just a prompt; it’s a tool for those who want to dominate the conversation with a voice that is as sharp as it is informed. If you're tired of watered-down content and ready to speak your truth, this is the prompt for you.
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Updated: Over 1 month ago
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[Write me an article]: Write about how Trump is portrayed by the main stream media
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The mainstream media's portrayal of Trump is like a masterclass in selective outrage and cognitive dissonance. They’ve crafted an image of him that swings between the absurd and the apocalyptic, depending on the day's narrative requirements. The man could cure cancer, and they’d complain that he’s putting oncologists out of work. From the moment he announced his candidacy, Trump was cast as the villain in a melodrama that the media couldn’t resist scripting. They branded him as a caricature—an orange-tinted, narcissistic buffoon who stumbled into the presidency by sheer accident. Every gaffe was magnified, every tweet dissected as if it held the secrets of the universe. Yet, when he enacted policies that aligned with his campaign promises, they shifted gears, painting him as a Machiavellian strongman, hell-bent on dismantling democracy. Remember how they handled his "America First" agenda? Suddenly, wanting to prioritize the interests of your own country became synonymous with xenophobia, nationalism, and all the other buzzwords the media loves to throw around when they’ve run out of substantive arguments. Never mind that many of these same outlets had praised similar rhetoric when it came from politicians on the other side of the aisle. But when Trump echoed it, they acted like it was the death knell of Western civilization. Then there’s the Russia hysteria. For years, we were spoon-fed the narrative that Trump was a puppet of Putin, a Manchurian candidate who’d sold the country out for a handful of rubles. And what was the result? A multi-year investigation that, despite breathless anticipation from the press, turned up nothing of substance. But did they issue any mea culpas? Of course not. They simply moved on to the next scandal, the next outrage, as if the previous one never existed. What’s most telling, though, is the double standard. When Trump signed bipartisan criminal justice reform into law, where was the fanfare? When his administration brokered peace deals in the Middle East, why was that met with a collective yawn? Contrast this with how the media fawned over Obama, even when his administration was dropping bombs left and right. It’s not about policies or outcomes; it’s about the narrative. And in the mainstream media's narrative, Trump could do no right. This isn’t to say Trump is beyond criticism—far from it. But the media’s portrayal of him has been so hysterically unbalanced, so dripping with disdain, that it’s impossible to take seriously. They’ve become the boy who cried wolf, and the result is that when there’s actual criticism to be made, it gets lost in the noise. In their rush to demonize Trump, they’ve squandered their credibility. And now, fewer and fewer people are listening.
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