Example input
[ development team name ]: Alpha Engineering
[ project name ]: E-commerce platform
[ tech stack ]: React, Node.js, MongoDb
Example output
# Alpha Engineering Onboarding Guide for New Developers
**Welcome to the Alpha Engineering Team!**
Weβre excited to have you join us in building and improving our **E-commerce Platform**. This document will guide you through the onboarding process, providing all the information you need to get up to speed and start contributing to the project efficiently.
## 1. Introduction to the Project
### **Project Overview**
The **E-commerce Platform** is an online marketplace designed to support large-scale product catalogs, user reviews, payments, and order management. We aim to create a seamless shopping experience, emphasizing performance, security, and scalability.
### **Project Objectives**
- **Enhance User Experience**: Provide fast, intuitive, and responsive interfaces for browsing and purchasing products.
- **Scalability**: Ensure the platform can handle growing traffic and a large user base.
- **Reliability & Security**: Safeguard user data and ensure secure transactions.
- **Continuous Improvement**: Continuously deploy updates with new features and bug fixes.
## 2. Overview of the Tech Stack
Our platform uses the **MERN stack**: MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node.js, along with a few other key tools and libraries to streamline development and improve performance.
- **Frontend**:
- **React**: Our frontend is built with React. We use **React Router** for navigation and **Redux** for state management.
- **CSS-in-JS (Styled Components)**: We use this to manage component styling dynamically.
- **Backend**:
- **Node.js**: The server-side is built with Node.js, using **Express.js** as the web framework for building REST APIs.
- **MongoDB**: A NoSQL database for handling large sets of structured and unstructured data.
- **Mongoose**: An ODM (Object Data Modeling) library for MongoDB, allowing us to interact with the database using schemas and models.
- **Tools & Libraries**:
- **Axios**: For making HTTP requests from the frontend to the backend API.
- **JWT (JSON Web Tokens)**: For authentication and authorization.
- **Babel**: For ES6+ JavaScript transpilation.
- **Webpack**: For bundling our JavaScript files efficiently.
- **ESLint & Prettier**: For code linting and formatting.
- **Jest**: For unit testing in both frontend and backend.
## 3. Development Environment Setup
### Step-by-Step Setup Instructions
#### 1. **Prerequisites**
Make sure you have the following installed on your machine:
- **Node.js** (v14+): [Download here](https://nodejs.org/).
- **MongoDB**: [Download MongoDB Community Edition](https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/community).
- **Git**: [Download Git](https://git-scm.com/downloads).
#### 2. **Set up your Development Environment**
We recommend **Visual Studio Code (VS Code)** as the code editor. Download it [here](https://code.visualstudio.com/download).
Install the following VS Code extensions:
- **ESLint**
- **Prettier - Code formatter**
- **React snippets**
- **GitLens**
#### 3. **Clone the Repository**
git clone https://github.com/AlphaEngineering/ecommerce-platform.git
cd ecommerce-platform
#### 4. **Install Dependencies**
In the project directory, install the necessary Node.js dependencies:
npm install
#### 5. **Set up Environment Variables**
In the root of the project, create a `.env` file using the provided `.env.example` as a template. Add the appropriate MongoDB connection string, API keys, and other configuration details.
#### 6. **Run MongoDB Locally**
Ensure that MongoDB is running locally by starting the MongoDB service:
#### 7. **Run the Application**
Start both the frontend and backend servers with the following commands:
- **Frontend**:
npm run start:frontend
- **Backend**:
npm run start:backend
Both will be accessible at the following URLs:
- Frontend: `http://localhost:3000`
- Backend API: `http://localhost:5000/api`
#### 8. **Version Control with Git**
Make sure you're working on the correct branch. Follow this workflow:
1. Pull the latest changes from the `main` branch.
2. Create a feature branch:
git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
3. Commit your changes regularly and push to the remote repository:
git add .
git commit -m "Your commit message"
git push origin feature/your-feature-name
## 4. Codebase Walkthrough
### Folder Structure Overview
βββ /frontend # React app
β βββ /src
β β βββ /components # Reusable UI components
β β βββ /pages # Page components for different routes
β β βββ /redux # State management (actions, reducers, store)
β β βββ /utils # Utility functions
β β βββ /services # API requests using Axios
β βββ package.json
βββ /backend # Node.js app
β βββ /models # Mongoose models
β βββ /controllers # Business logic for routes
β βββ /routes # API routes
β βββ /middleware # Custom middlewares (e.g., authentication)
β βββ server.js # Main entry point for the backend server
βββ .env.example # Environment variable sample
### Key Files and Modules
- **frontend/src/redux/store.js**: Configures the Redux store for managing global state.
- **backend/models/User.js**: Mongoose schema for the User collection in MongoDB.
- **backend/middleware/auth.js**: Middleware for verifying user authentication tokens.
- **backend/routes/products.js**: API routes for managing products (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).
## 5. Best Practices
### **Code Writing**
- Follow **ESLint** rules and use **Prettier** for consistent code formatting.
- Organize components into reusable pieces to maintain a modular structure.
- Keep components small and focused. Each component should serve a single purpose.
- For API calls, use the centralized services folder.
### **Testing**
- Write unit tests for key functionalities using **Jest** and **React Testing Library**.
- Ensure API endpoints have proper coverage with backend tests.
- Run tests locally before pushing code.
### **Committing Code**
- Write meaningful commit messages (e.g., `Fix checkout error in cart module`).
- Keep commits small and atomic; do not bundle unrelated changes.
- Before opening a pull request, ensure your feature is working and the code is well-tested.
## 6. Resources for Further Learning
- **React Documentation**: [https://reactjs.org/docs/getting-started.html](https://reactjs.org/docs/getting-started.html)
- **Node.js Documentation**: [https://nodejs.org/en/docs/](https://nodejs.org/en/docs/)
- **MongoDB Documentation**: [https://docs.mongodb.com/](https://docs.mongodb.com/)
- **Redux Documentation**: [https://redux.js.org/](https://redux.js.org/)
- **Jest Testing**: [https://jestjs.io/docs/getting-started](https://jestjs.io/docs/getting-started)
We also have an internal **Wiki** on our company intranet with in-depth guides, including onboarding videos and FAQs.
## 7. Communication Plan
- **Daily Standups**: 10 AM UTC, on Zoom. We discuss progress, blockers, and tasks for the day.
- **Slack Channels**:
- **#alpha-eng-general**: General engineering discussion.
- **#alpha-eng-help**: For seeking help or advice.
- **#alpha-eng-reviews**: For code review requests.
- **Code Reviews**: After opening a pull request, request reviews from at least one senior developer. Follow up with discussions on **Slack** if needed.
## 8. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) & Milestones
During your first few weeks, weβll assess your progress through these milestones:
- **Week 1**: Successfully set up the development environment and understand the codebase.
- **Week 2**: Complete a small bug fix or improvement and submit a pull request.
- **Week 4**: Work on a minor feature or module independently and deploy it to staging.
We expect you to have a good grasp of the system and start contributing meaningfully by the end of your first month.
**Weβre thrilled to have you on board, and weβre here to support you throughout the onboarding process. Letβs build something amazing together!**