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Diagram Generator

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Updated: Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
Token size
48 ($0.00010 / call)
Example input
Transformer model
Example output
Sure, here's a diagram of the Transformer model in Mermaid markdown format: graph LR subgraph Encoder input((Input)) --> pos_enc(Positional Encoding) pos_enc -- |Addition| --> emb(Embedding) emb -- |Multi-Head Attention| --> mha(Multi-Head Attention) mha -- |Addition and Layer Normalization| --> add_norm1 add_norm1 -- |Position-wise Feedforward Network| --> ff1 ff1 -- |Addition and Layer Normalization| --> add_norm2 add_norm2((Encoded Output)) end subgraph Decoder output((Output)) --> pos_dec(Positional Encoding) pos_dec -- |Addition| --> emb_tgt(Target Embedding) emb_tgt -- |Multi-Head Attention (Decoder Self-Attention)| --> mha_self(Multi-Head Attention) mha_self -- |Addition and Layer Normalization| --> add_norm1 enc_out((Encoded Output)) -- |Multi-Head Attention (Encoder-Decoder Attention)| --> mha_encdec(Multi-Head Attention) mha_encdec -- |Addition and Layer Normalization| --> add_norm2 add_norm2 -- |Position-wise Feedforward Network| --> ff1 ff1 -- |Addition and Layer Normalization| --> add_norm3 add_norm3((Decoded Output)) end pos_enc -.-> pos_dec add_norm2 -.-> mha_self add_norm1 -.-> mha_encdec This diagram depicts the structure of the Transformer model with an encoder and decoder component. The encoder processes the input sequence and produces an encoded output, while the decoder generates the output sequence based on the encoder output and target input. The input is first passed through a positional encoding layer to add positional information to the input sequence. The encoded input is then passed through an embedding layer to convert the input tokens into continuous vector representations. The embedded input is fed into a multi-head attention (MHA) layer, which allows each token to attend to other tokens in the input sequence. The MHA output is then added to the input (residual connection) and normalized using layer normalization. The normalized output is passed through a position-wise feedforward network (FFN) for further processing. The FFN output is added to the previous layer output (residual connection) and normalized again. In the decoder, the output sequence is generated step by step. At each step, the target input token is first passed through a positional encoding layer. The encoded target input is then passed through an embedding layer to convert the token into a continuous vector representation. This embedding is then processed by a self-attention layer (MHA), which allows the decoder to attend to different parts of the target sequence. The MHA output is added to the input (residual connection) and normalized. The normalized output is then passed through another MHA layer that attends to the encoder output. Again, the MHA output is added to the input (residual connection) and normalized. The normalized output is then passed through a FFN for further processing. The FFN output is added to the previous layer output (residual connection) and normalized again. Finally, the decoder produces the output sequence based on the last layer's output. The diagram should help you understand how the input flows through the model and how the different components interact with each other to produce the final output.
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