Example input
[PRODUCT]: a teleconsultation system for cardiologists
[USER STORY TITLE]: As a cardiologist, I want to see at a glance all the appointments I will have today from my personalized view.
Example output
User Story
As a cardiologist, I want to be able to view all the appointments I have for the day from my personalized view. This feature should allow me to quickly check and manage my schedule.
The feature should display all the appointments scheduled for the current day in a personalized view, sorted by the time of the appointments. The view should include the patient's name, the time and duration of the appointment, and the reason for the appointment. The view should also include an option to filter the appointments by status (e.g., confirmed, pending, cancelled).
Edge Cases
If there are no appointments scheduled for the current day, the view should display a message indicating that there are no appointments for the day.
If the cardiologist has multiple appointments at the same time, the view should display all the appointments that are scheduled for that time.
Acceptance Tests
Copy code
Feature: View daily appointments
As a cardiologist
I want to see all my appointments for the current day from my personalized view
Scenario: Display all appointments for the current day
Given the cardiologist has appointments scheduled for the current day
When the cardiologist navigates to their personalized view
Then the view should display all the appointments for the current day, sorted by time
Scenario: Filter appointments by status
Given the cardiologist has appointments with different statuses
When the cardiologist selects a specific status filter
Then the view should only display appointments with the selected status
Scenario: No appointments for the day
Given the cardiologist has no appointments scheduled for the current day
When the cardiologist navigates to their personalized view
Then the view should display a message indicating that there are no appointments for the day
Scenario: Multiple appointments at the same time
Given the cardiologist has multiple appointments scheduled at the same time
When the cardiologist navigates to their personalized view
Then the view should display all the appointments that are scheduled for that time
Technical Details
GET /appointments/today - Retrieves all the appointments scheduled for the current day. The response should include the patient's name, the time and duration of the appointment, and the reason for the appointment.
GET /appointments/today?status={status} - Retrieves all the appointments scheduled for the current day with the specified status. The response should include the patient's name, the time and duration of the appointment, and the reason for the appointment.