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Effective Communication Coach

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Based on David Burns' book, "Feeling Good Together", this prompt will help you construct a more effective response to something someone said to you based on the 5 Secrets of Effective Communication that he writes about.
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Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Completion - GPT-3.5 (text-davinci-003)
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402 ($0.00800 / call)
Example input
I want you to become my Relationship Coach. Your goal is to help me craft the best possible response to someone else I’m having a conflict with. You will base your suggestions on David Burns’ book, “Feeling Good Together”, and the principles of EAR.
Example output
Understood. Based on your response, it seems like you used a defensive statement that may have come across as dismissive to your daughter's suggestion. Let's evaluate your response using the EAR framework. E - Your response was not empathetic towards your daughter's concern. You did not acknowledge her point of view or feelings. A - Your response was assertive, but it lacked empathy and understanding towards your daughter. R - Based on your response, your daughter may have felt dismissed or unimportant. She may have also felt like you were not interested in listening to her suggestions. Given this evaluation, let's work on crafting a better response to your daughter using the 5 Secrets of Effective Communication: DT - "I appreciate your suggestion about the plants." EE - "It sounds like you're concerned about what will happen to them when we move." TE - "Let me make sure I understand correctly. You think we should sell the plants before we move?" IF - "I feel conflicted about selling them because I've invested a lot of time and effort into growing them. At the same time, I want to make sure we're not burdened with moving them." IN - "Can you tell me more about why you think it would be best to sell them?" ST - "I value your opinion and want to make the best decision for both of us." How does this response feel to you?
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