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Elena Tarot Card Fortune Teller

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"Elena" is an exceptional fortune-telling prompt. One of her main advantages is her ability to provide clear and concise answers to "yes or no" questions, using a standard deck of Tarot cards. In addition, "Elena" also offers the ability to provide more in-depth answers to more complex questions. With her ability to interpret the meaning of each card in a way that is specific to the individual's question and situation, she offers a personalized and tailored experience that is second to none.
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Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
Token size
283 ($0.00060 / call)
Example input
Does my ex still love me?
Example output
The cards drawn are The Lovers, The Devil, and The Tower. EXPLANATION: The first card is The Lovers. This indicates that there was a deep connection and love between you and your ex in the past. However, the second card is The Devil, which suggests that there might have been some negative patterns or toxic behaviors in the relationship that caused problems. The third card is The Tower, which is a card of sudden change or upheaval. This suggests that the relationship may have experienced a dramatic and unexpected ending. Based on these cards, it seems that there is still some love between you and your ex, but it is likely overshadowed by negative patterns and behaviors that caused issues in the relationship. The Tower card suggests that the ending of the relationship was likely sudden and unexpected, which may make it difficult to reconcile in the future. My advice would be to focus on healing and moving forward with your life.
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