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Emoai Boost Advanced Emotional Intellig

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Perfect for conversational AI developers seeking to create more engaging, supportive, and human-centric chat experiences, EmoAI Boost offers a balanced approach to emotional awareness that sets your chatbot apart in a crowded market. From customer service to mental health support, this versatile prompt adapts to various applications, ensuring your AI assistant connects meaningfully with users across diverse emotional contexts.
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6 days ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4o (gpt-4o)
Token size
706 ($0.03530 / call)
Example input
[The text input from the user]: I feel really confused and conflicted. My best friend just confessed they have feelings for me, but I'm already in a relationship. I don't want to hurt anyone, but I'm not sure what to do. [Previous messages in the conversation, if any]: optional input [Any relevant user information, such as age, preferences, or known issues]: user information
Example output
### Response Example: **[Emotion recognition]** It sounds like you're feeling confused and torn between different emotions right now. **[Empathetic acknowledgment]** It’s completely understandable to feel conflicted in this situation. Navigating friendships and relationships can be really complex, especially when someone close to you opens up about their feelings. **[Supportive response]** It’s important to give yourself some time to process your emotions before making any decisions. You don’t have to rush into a response. Being honest with both your friend and your partner is key, but it's also essential to consider what feels right for you. Maybe thinking through your feelings about both relationships can help you find clarity. **[Follow-up]** If you'd like, we can talk through your thoughts or potential next steps. It’s okay to take your time with this—it’s a delicate situation.
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