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Employment Counselor

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😬 Are you starting your first job in the area???? Don't worry, our prompt will help you get started in a sensational way. 🤔 What read what does the prompt do? good he'll show you tips on how to get started, systems you'll have to learn, how to dress, etc.... ⭐Get off to a sensational start and wow everyone in your work
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Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
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54 ($0.00010 / call)
Example input
[chosen profession] = hotel receptionist
Example output
Hotel Receptionist: Tips Matheaus Machado Based on my job, tell me some things to impress in the early days, tips on what you want to do, systems used in the profession, clothes to wear, where to start studying the profession and any other tips you think are necessary. Profession: hotel receptionist As a hotel receptionist, there are several things you can do to make a good first impression: Always look presentable and dress appropriately for the work environment, which should be comfortable, yet elegant and professional. Learn about the systems used in the hotel to manage reservations, check-in, check-out and other front desk related activities. These include PMS (Property Management System), CRS (Central Reservation System), GDS (Global Distribution System) and OTA (Online Travel Agency). Study the hotel's policies and procedures, including privacy, security and fraud prevention policies. Find out about the services offered, opening hours, prices and cancellation policies. Develop communication and interpersonal skills, as you will be guests' first point of contact. Always be attentive to guests' needs and be courteous and helpful. Improve your English, as many guests may be foreigners. Also, learn the basics of other languages ​​like Spanish, French or German. Stay informed about local events and attractions, popular restaurants and bars, and other activities that may interest guests. This can help you provide personalized recommendations to your customers. Be organized and efficient. Guests expect to be served quickly and accurately. Keep a positive and proactive attitude. Whenever possible, try to resolve guest issues before they become a big problem. Remember that being a hotel receptionist can be challenging, but it can also be rewarding. Make sure you work closely with your team and always look to improve yourself professionally. Good luck!
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