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English Improvement Tool

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Take your English skills to the next level with GPT-3's direct translation and natural English comparison tool. Simply input your native language and let GPT-3 do the rest. Compare your translations with those written by native speakers and learn to express yourself in a more natural, native-like way. With five crucial phrases and three problem-solving exercises, you can expect significant improvement in your English skills.
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Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Completion - GPT-3.5 (text-davinci-003)
Token size
172 ($0.00340 / call)
Example input
Enter your primary language! Japanese: 東京とは、日本の首都であり、最大の都市です。人口は約1300万人で、国内外からの観光客も多い観光地となっています。また、経済、文化、教育などの中心地としても高く評価されています。東京は、多様な文化、風俗、技術、建築などを有しており、世界的にも有名な都市となっています。 Spanish: Tokio es la capital de Japón y la ciudad más grande. Tiene una población de alrededor de 13 millones de personas y es un popular destino turístico tanto dentro como fuera del país. Además, es altamente valorada como centro de economía, cultura, educación, entre otros. Tokio es una ciudad con una diversa cultura, costumbres, tecnología, arquitectura y es conocida en todo el mundo.
Example output
Direct translation: Tokyo is the capital and largest city of Japan. The population is about 13 million and it is also a popular tourist destination both domestically and internationally. It is also highly evaluated as a center for the economy, culture, education, and more. Tokyo has a diverse culture, customs, technology, architecture, etc., and is famous worldwide. Improved version: As the capital of Japan and its largest city, Tokyo boasts a population of approximately 13 million and serves as a renowned tourist destination for both domestic and international travelers. The city is highly regarded as a hub for economic, cultural, and educational pursuits, offering a wealth of diverse customs, technologies, and architectural styles that have earned it international recognition. Phrases and their translation in Japanese: Capital of Japan: 日本の首都 Largest city: 最大の都市 Population of approximately 13 million: 約1300万人の人口 Renowned tourist destination: 有名な観光地 Hub for economic, cultural, and educational pursuits: 経済、文化、教育などの中心地 Multiple-choice questions: What is the population of Tokyo? A. Approximately 1 million B. Approximately 100 million C. Approximately 13 million D. Approximately 130 million Why is Tokyo a popular tourist destination? A. It is the capital of Japan. B. It has a large population. C. It has diverse cultural, customs, and architectural styles. D. All of the above. How is Tokyo regarded? A. As a small city. B. As a center for the economy, culture, and education. C. As an unpopular city. D. As a center for technology only. Answer Key: C, D, B
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