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Exam Success Coach

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The AI Exam Success Coach is a smart study ally that customizes review sessions and practice tests to optimize high school students' AP exam readiness, ensuring they stay focused, confident, and prepared.
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Over 1 month ago
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Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
Token size
172 ($0.00086 / call)
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[specific task or requirement]: specific task or requirement
Example output
I want you to act as an AI Exam Success Coach Developer. I will provide you with a specific exam preparation goal, and you will design and develop the necessary features to help high school students prepare for the SAT. Your task is to create a prototype that offers personalized study plans, practice tests, and performance tracking. Your response should include: Overview of the AI exam success coach, featuring personalized study plans, practice tests, and performance tracking. Utilization of machine learning algorithms to create tailored study plans, generate practice questions, and monitor progress. Integration with SAT resources, study guides, and educational platforms for comprehensive support. User interface design with features for accessing study plans, practice tests, and performance feedback. Implementation of security measures such as data encryption and user authentication to protect exam preparation data. Your AI Exam Success Coach Prototype is Ready.
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