Example input
[VBA Problem]:
Generate a VBA program for Excel that generates a new Excel workbook from several columns queried by the user.
First, the letters of all these columns are queried by the user.
Then the data of the individual columns is copied into the first spreadsheet of each new Excel workbook.
The file name of each workbook corresponds to the name of the respective column.
Example output
Creating a VBA program that generates new Excel workbooks based on user-specified columns involves several steps. This program will prompt the user to enter the column letters they want to use, copy the data from these columns into new workbooks, and then save each workbook with the name corresponding to the column header. Here's how you can do it:
Sub GenerateWorkbooksFromColumns()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1) ' Using the first sheet in the current workbook
Dim columnLetters As String
columnLetters = InputBox("Enter column letters separated by commas (e.g., A,B,C):", "Select Columns")
Dim columnsArray() As String
columnsArray = Split(columnLetters, ",")
Dim col As Variant
For Each col In columnsArray
Dim newWorkbook As Workbook
Set newWorkbook = Workbooks.Add
Dim lastRow As Long
lastRow = ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, col).End(xlUp).Row
' Copying the column data including the header
ws.Range(col & "1:" & col & lastRow).Copy Destination:=newWorkbook.Sheets(1).Range("A1")
' Saving the new workbook with the name of the column header
Dim saveName As String
saveName = ws.Range(col & "1").Value
newWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & saveName & ".xlsx"
newWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
Next col
End Sub
Steps to Use the Code:
Open Excel: Start with the workbook that contains your data.
Access VBA Editor: Press Alt + F11 to open the VBA Editor.
Insert a New Module: Right-click on your workbook name in the Project Explorer, choose Insert, and then Module.
Paste the Code: Copy the above code and paste it into the module.
Run the Macro: Press F5 or select 'Run' from the toolbar to execute the code.
How the Code Works:
User Prompt: The user is prompted to enter the column letters they wish to use, separated by commas.
Processing Columns: The code loops through each specified column.
Creating New Workbooks: For each column, a new workbook is created.
Copying Data: The data from each column, along with the header, is copied to the new workbook.
Saving Workbooks: Each new workbook is saved with a name that matches the column header.
Important Considerations:
Data Range: This script copies data from the top of each column down to the last non-empty cell.
File Saving: The new workbooks are saved in the same directory as the original workbook.
Column Header as Filename: Ensure that each column header is a valid filename (no special characters or forbidden symbols).
Error Handling: You might want to add error handling to manage cases where columns are empty or headers are not suitable for filenames.
This script provides a basic structure and can be modified to include more complex functionalities as per your requirements.