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Expert Product Development Guide

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Drive successful product development with this tool. It will consider your role, your company, the type of product, targeted market segment, main competitors, and your target user base to provide strategic product development guidance. This tool ensures comprehensive user research, competitive analysis, feature prioritization, pricing strategy, and a strategic go-to-market plan.
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1 year ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
125 ($0.00380 / call)
Example input
["Product Manager", "TechStart", "AI Chatbot", "Small Businesses", "Google, Microsoft", "Startup Founders"]
Example output
"As a product manager at TechStart, you're leading the development of an AI Chatbot aimed at small businesses, with Google and Microsoft being the main competitors. Your target users are startup founders. You should begin with in-depth user research, understand their needs, challenges, and expectations. A competitive analysis can help identify gaps in offerings from Google and Microsoft. Prioritize features based on user impact and development effort. Pricing strategy should consider market trends and perceived value. Lastly, the go-to-market plan should include launch strategies and promotional activities targeting startup founders..."
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