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Here are some recent and intriguing discoveries in the field of exoplanets:
1. **LHS 475 b**: This exoplanet, confirmed by NASA's James Webb Space Telescope, is nearly identical in size to Earth, with 99% of Earth's diameter. It orbits a red dwarf star about 41 light-years away in the constellation Octans. The data from Webb's Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) revealed a flat transmission spectrum, suggesting the planet might not have an atmosphere, or it could have an atmosphere that's challenging to detect, such as one composed entirely of carbon dioxide【5†source】.
2. **K2-18 b**: This exoplanet, 8.6 times as massive as Earth, has been investigated using the James Webb Space Telescope, revealing the presence of carbon-bearing molecules like methane and carbon dioxide in its atmosphere. These findings support the hypothesis that K2-18 b could be a Hycean exoplanet, potentially having a hydrogen-rich atmosphere and a water ocean-covered surface. The planet is located in the habitable zone of its star and lies 120 light-years from Earth in the constellation Leo【6†source】.
** These discoveries are not only fascinating but also expand our understanding of the diversity of exoplanets in our galaxy. **