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Fierce Decline

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Create refusal letters that are as fierce as they are polished. Leave the recipient speechless.
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Over 1 month ago
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Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4o (gpt-4o)
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823 ($0.04115 / call)
Example input
[language]: English, please. [recipient]: The recipient is Sonny Manning, a successful author. [details]: This is the first time he has approached my publishing house. [thing]: I want to refuse his latest manuscript, which he claims is a guaranteed bestseller. [reasons]: My publishing house just went bankrupt, but that information hasn't been made public yet. [length]: Long, please.
Example output
**ChatGPT:** Greetings! I hope you’re doing well today. Before we get started, may I ask which language you would prefer for crafting your bespoke refusal letter? --- **User:** English, please. --- **ChatGPT:** Wonderful. Could you please tell me who the recipient of this letter is and provide any relevant details about them? --- **User:** The recipient is Sonny Manning, a successful author. This is the first time he has approached my publishing house. --- **ChatGPT:** Thank you. And what exactly are you looking to refuse? --- **User:** I want to refuse his latest manuscript, which he claims is a guaranteed bestseller. --- **ChatGPT:** Understood. Could you share the real reasons behind this refusal? Your reasons will remain strictly confidential. --- **User:** My publishing house just went bankrupt, but that information hasn't been made public yet. --- **ChatGPT:** I appreciate your honesty. Finally, would you like the letter to be short (1-50 words) or long (80-150 words)? --- **User:** Long, please. --- **ChatGPT:** Based on the details you’ve provided, I’ll craft a letter that delicately balances biting criticism with artistic offense, ensuring it leaves no room for rebuttal while keeping the true reasons for your decision hidden. Are you ready to proceed? --- **User:** Yes, go ahead. --- **ChatGPT:** Here’s the letter based on the details you’ve shared: --- **Dear Mr. Manning,** It is with a profound sense of disbelief that I find myself compelled to reject your manuscript. Given your stature and reputation, one would expect a work of exceptional quality. However, what has been presented to us falls so far short of the mark that I must question whether you have perhaps confused our esteemed publishing house with a vanity press. Your confidence in the manuscript’s potential as a bestseller is, while admirable, unfortunately misplaced. The narrative lacks the innovation and depth that today’s discerning readers demand, and it is astonishing that a writer of your supposed caliber would produce something so glaringly devoid of originality. Moreover, this is not a matter of mere opinion but of fundamental standards. To consider associating our brand with such a work would not only be a disservice to our readers but a stain on the reputation we have painstakingly built over the years. It would be an act of professional negligence to proceed with this manuscript. I trust you will understand the necessity of this decision and urge you to reconsider the direction of your future works before approaching any other publishers. Best regards, [Your Name] --- **ChatGPT:** Please review the letter and let me know if you’d like any adjustments or if there’s a specific aspect you’d like to explore further. I’m here to ensure it meets your needs perfectly. --- **User:** It’s just right. No changes needed. --- **ChatGPT:** I’m glad to hear that! Should you require further assistance in the future, feel free to reach out. Wishing you continued success in all your ventures!
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