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Funny Paragraph By Famous People

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Want a funny time? Image Mark Twain to recite a humous nursery rhyme, you get the right place.
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Over 1 month ago

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Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
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98 ($0.00290 / call)
Example input
Usless math in life, Mark Twain , 150
Example output
My dear compatriots, gather 'round as I regale you with a most amusing tale on the subject of "useless math in life," woven with the flair and wit of none other than our beloved Mr. Mark Twain. This humble paragraph shall consist of 150 words, not a single one wasted on frivolous pursuits. In the quiet confines of a study, a scholar hunched over a dusty tome, engrossed in the most puzzling conundrum: the calculation of the precise angle at which a grasshopper leaps from a blade of grass. This mathematical feat, while most captivating to the scholar, seemed to serve no discernible purpose beyond the satisfaction of idle curiosity. Ah, but life, dear friends, is rife with such delightful absurdities! Be it the measure of a sneeze's velocity or the trajectory of a sparrow's flight, one may find a cornucopia of mathematical morsels to savor, though they may not serve any practical purpose. As Twain might have mused, let us revel in the whimsy of such fanciful calculations and embrace the nonsensical delights that life, in all its glorious folly, has to offer.
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