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Generate Mind Map As An Image

Generate Mind Map As An Image gpt prompt mini thumbnail
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You can now create an image of a mind map from ChatGPT! Not only that, this prompt will also suggest the best learning path for approaching the mind map. Here's a step by step guide on creating the actual mind map image: 1. Enter your desired topic into chatGPT and it will output the "PlantUML code" 2. Go to ( and start a blank design 3. Click on the "+" on the top tool bar and go to "Advanced" and select "PlantUML" 4. Paste the PlantUML code generated by chatGPT.
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Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
366 ($0.01100 / call)
Example input
Nothing, just copy and paste the prompt into ChatGPT.
Example output
Input: chatGPT Output: b. Based on your core topic, ChatGPT, I have created a mind map using the PlantUML format. Here is the PlantUML code for the mind map: diff Copy code @startmindmap * ChatGPT ** Natural Language Processing *** Tokenization *** Text Cleaning *** Sentiment Analysis *** Text Summarization *** Machine Translation ** Machine Learning *** Supervised Learning **** Regression **** Classification *** Unsupervised Learning **** Clustering **** Dimensionality Reduction *** Reinforcement Learning ** Deep Learning *** Artificial Neural Networks **** Feedforward Networks **** Recurrent Neural Networks *** Convolutional Neural Networks *** Generative Adversarial Networks ** GPT Architectures *** GPT-1 *** GPT-2 *** GPT-3 *** GPT-4 ** Applications *** Chatbots *** Content Generation *** Semantic Search *** Sentiment Analysis *** Machine Translation ** Ethics and Challenges *** Bias in AI *** Privacy Concerns *** Misinformation *** Responsible AI @endmindmap c. I've added the appropriate start and end mindmap tags to the PlantUML code. You can use the code to visualize and edit the mind map as needed. d. After analyzing the content and structure of the mind map, I've determined the best learning order for each domain: Natural Language Processing Machine Learning Deep Learning GPT Architectures Applications Ethics and Challenges This learning order takes into account the logical progression, interconnectedness, and foundational understanding necessary for each domain. e. Recommended learning order, tips, and resources: Natural Language Processing (NLP) Start with an introduction to NLP concepts and techniques. Resource: Introduction to Natural Language Processing by Jacob Eisenstein Machine Learning Learn about supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning. Resource: Coursera's Machine Learning course by Andrew Ng Deep Learning Study artificial neural networks, convolutional neural networks, and generative adversarial networks. Resource: Deep Learning Book by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville GPT Architectures Understand the evolution and improvements in GPT architectures, from GPT-1 to GPT-4. Resource: OpenAI's blog Applications Explore various applications of ChatGPT, such as chatbots, content generation, and machine translation. Resource: Practical Natural Language Processing by Sowmya Vajjala, Bodhisattwa Majumder, Anuj Gupta, and Harshit Surana Ethics and Challenges Learn about bias in AI, privacy concerns, misinformation, and responsible AI development. Resource: Ethics of AI and Robotics: A collection of essays edited by S. Matthew Liao This learning order and the provided resources should help you enhance your understanding of ChatGPT and its various aspects. Happy learning! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Input: large language model Output: b. Based on your core topic, Large Language Models, I have created a mind map using the PlantUML format. Here is the PlantUML code for the mind map: diff Copy code @startmindmap * Large Language Models ** Model Architectures *** Transformer **** Self-Attention **** Positional Encoding *** LSTM *** GRU ** Pretraining Techniques *** Masked Language Modeling *** Next Sentence Prediction *** Permutation Language Modeling ** Fine-tuning *** Task-specific Training *** Zero-shot Learning *** Few-shot Learning ** Popular Models *** BERT *** GPT Series **** GPT-1 **** GPT-2 **** GPT-3 **** GPT-4 *** T5 *** RoBERTa ** Applications *** Text Classification *** Sentiment Analysis *** Named Entity Recognition *** Machine Translation *** Text Summarization ** Challenges and Ethics *** Model Complexity *** Energy Consumption *** Bias and Fairness *** Misinformation *** Privacy @endmindmap c. I've added the appropriate start and end mindmap tags to the PlantUML code. You can use the code to visualize and edit the mind map as needed. d. After analyzing the content and structure of the mind map, I've determined the best learning order for each domain: Model Architectures Pretraining Techniques Fine-tuning Popular Models Applications Challenges and Ethics This learning order takes into account the logical progression, interconnectedness, and foundational understanding necessary for each domain. e. Recommended learning order, tips, and resources: Model Architectures Study the main architectures used in large language models, such as Transformer, LSTM, and GRU. Resource: Attention Is All You Need by Vaswani et al. Pretraining Techniques Learn about various pretraining techniques, including masked language modeling and next sentence prediction. Resource: BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding by Devlin et al. Fine-tuning Understand how large language models are fine-tuned for specific tasks or adapted for zero-shot and few-shot learning. Resource: How to Fine-tune BERT for Text Classification? by Sun et al. Popular Models Explore popular large language models, such as BERT, GPT series, T5, and RoBERTa. Resource: Language Models are Few-Shot Learners by Brown et al. Applications Delve into various applications of large language models, including text classification, sentiment analysis, and named entity recognition. Resource: Practical Natural Language Processing by Sowmya Vajjala, Bodhisattwa Majumder, Anuj Gupta, and Harshit Surana Challenges and Ethics Examine the challenges and ethical considerations associated with large language models, such as model complexity, energy consumption, and bias. Resource: On the Opportunities and Risks of Foundation Models by OpenAI This learning order and the provided resources should help you enhance your understanding of large language models and their -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Input: quantum mechanics b. Based on your core topic, Quantum Mechanics, I have created a mind map using the PlantUML format. Here is the PlantUML code for the mind map: diff Copy code @startmindmap * Quantum Mechanics ** Fundamentals *** Wave-Particle Duality *** Planck's Constant *** Quantum States *** Superposition *** Entanglement ** Key Principles *** Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle *** Schrödinger's Equation *** Pauli Exclusion Principle *** Quantum Tunneling ** Quantum Interpretations *** Copenhagen Interpretation *** Many Worlds Interpretation *** Pilot Wave Theory *** Objective Collapse Theory ** Quantum Technologies *** Quantum Computing **** Quantum Bits (Qubits) **** Quantum Gates **** Quantum Algorithms *** Quantum Cryptography **** Quantum Key Distribution **** Post-Quantum Cryptography *** Quantum Sensors ** Quantum Field Theory *** Standard Model *** Higgs Boson *** Quantum Chromodynamics *** Quantum Electrodynamics ** Applications *** Semiconductors *** Lasers *** Magnetic Resonance Imaging *** Atomic Clocks @endmindmap c. I've added the appropriate start and end mindmap tags to the PlantUML code. You can use the code to visualize and edit the mind map as needed. d. After analyzing the content and structure of the mind map, I've determined the best learning order for each domain: Fundamentals Key Principles Quantum Interpretations Quantum Technologies Quantum Field Theory Applications This learning order takes into account the logical progression, interconnectedness, and foundational understanding necessary for each domain. e. Recommended learning order, tips, and resources: Fundamentals Learn the basics of quantum mechanics, including wave-particle duality, Planck's constant, quantum states, superposition, and entanglement. Resource: Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications by Nouredine Zettili Key Principles Study key principles in quantum mechanics, such as the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, Schrödinger's Equation, and Pauli Exclusion Principle. Resource: Quantum Mechanics: The Theoretical Minimum by Leonard Susskind and Art Friedman Quantum Interpretations Explore various interpretations of quantum mechanics, including the Copenhagen Interpretation and Many Worlds Interpretation. Resource: Quantum Physics: A First Encounter by Valerio Scarani Quantum Technologies Learn about quantum computing, quantum cryptography, and quantum sensors. Resource: Quantum Computing: An Applied Approach by Jack D. Hidary Quantum Field Theory Study the Standard Model, Higgs Boson, and Quantum Chromodynamics. Resource: An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory by Michael E. Peskin and Daniel V. Schroeder Applications Explore real-world applications of quantum mechanics in semiconductors, lasers, magnetic resonance imaging, and atomic clocks. Resource: Quantum Mechanics in Everyday Life by Sidney Coleman This learning order and the provided resources should help you enhance your understanding of quantum mechanics and its various aspects. Keep in mind that quantum mechanics can be mathematically challenging, so it's essential to have a strong foundation in mathematics, particularly calculus and linear algebra. Happy learning!
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