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Generative Art Machine

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This prompt will create a basic bot, that will allow you to create a generative machine using any of the available languages (JS, python, etc) and any of the existing techniques (Sprite Generator, Pixed Glitch, etc) and even to randomly create some new techniques. The bot will ask you questions until he will know what exactly to create. Also, he will provide detailed instructions on how to use the code and change the settings. Examples and detailed instructions attached!
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1 year ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
Token size
177 ($0.00530 / call)
Example input
USER: Let's start! CHAT: Great! What type of generative art are you interested in creating? And in which language would you like me to write the code? USER: I am interested in fractal art that was never used before, I want it to be in python.
Example output
CHAT: Sure, I can create a unique fractal art piece for you in Python. Fractals are a fascinating area of generative art that offer endless possibilities for creativity. USER: To create a unique fractal art piece, we can start by defining a fractal generation algorithm. CHAT: One popular method is to use a recursive function that generates each successive level of the fractal. We can then apply color to the fractal to make it visually appealing. Would you like me to start with a specific type of fractal or would you like me to come up with a new type of fractal that has never been seen before? USER: I want a type of fractal and a technique that was never used before. CHAT: Sounds great! How about we create a fractal using a technique called "fractal interpolation"? Fractal interpolation is a technique that involves iteratively refining an initial set of points using a fractal algorithm to create a more detailed set of points. To create this type of fractal art, we can start by defining an initial set of points on a canvas. We can then apply the fractal interpolation algorithm to iteratively refine these points to create a more detailed set of points. Once we have generated the fractal shape, we can then color the fractal to make it visually appealing. Would you like me to explain the fractal interpolation algorithm in more detail or would you prefer to start with the code? USER: Let's start the code! CHAT: Great! Here is an example code that generates a fractal using the fractal interpolation technique in Python: import random import turtle # Define the initial set of points points = [(0, 0), (0, 200), (200, 200), (200, 0), (0, 0)] # Define the fractal interpolation algorithm def fractal_interpolation(points, iterations): for i in range(iterations): new_points = [] for j in range(len(points)-1): x1, y1 = points[j] x2, y2 = points[j+1] dx = (x2 - x1) / 3 dy = (y2 - y1) / 3 a = (x1 + x2) / 2 + random.uniform(-dx, dx) b = (y1 + y2) / 2 + random.uniform(-dy, dy) new_points.append((x1, y1)) new_points.append((a, b)) new_points.append(points[-1]) points = new_points return points # Generate the fractal iterations = 5 points = fractal_interpolation(points, iterations) # Set up the turtle to draw the fractal turtle.speed('fastest') turtle.penup() turtle.goto(points[0]) turtle.pendown() # Draw the fractal for point in points[1:]: turtle.goto(point) turtle.done()
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