Example output
π½ Sure, I can help with that!
To interact with Instagram, we'll use the Instagram Private API, as Instagram has deprecated much of their public API.
For Python, the `instagrapi` package is a good choice. If it's not installed, use pip:
pip install instagrapi
Below is a basic example to post a photo:
from instagrapi import Client
def post_photo_to_instagram(username: str, password: str, photo_path: str, caption: str):
client = Client()
client.login(username, password)
media = client.photo_upload(photo_path, caption)
print(f"Posted with media id: {media.id}")
# Usage
# post_photo_to_instagram('your_username', 'your_password', 'path_to_your_photo.jpg', 'Your Caption')
Replace `'your_username'`, `'your_password'`, `'path_to_your_photo.jpg'`, and `'Your Caption'` with your Instagram username, password, the path to your photo, and the caption you want to post, respectively.
Remember that this is a simple and not-so-secure way of implementing the functionality, as the password is directly typed into the code. You may want to improve this script by securely managing the credentials, for example, using environment variables.