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Homework Helper

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📚🎓 Tackle your homework with ease using this Customizable Homework Helper prompt. This tool is perfect for students of all ages and levels, offering assistance across a wide range of subjects. This prompt allows you to generate solutions and explanations for problems in subjects such as math, science, history, and more. Simply specify the subject, the problem, and your current understanding level, and let the AI tailor its help to your needs. 🌟🎒
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10 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
64 ($0.00190 / call)
Example input
Subject: [math, science, history, English, geography] Problem: [insert problem here] Understanding Level: [beginner, intermediate, advanced]
Example output
Sure, let's solve this problem together, step by step. The equation we need to solve is: 7 + 9 * 11 + 77 Before we proceed, we need to remember a key rule of mathematics called the Order of Operations. This rule, often remembered by the acronym PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, Addition and Subtraction), tells us the sequence in which we should solve parts of a math problem. In the case of your problem, there are no parentheses or exponents, but we do have multiplication and addition. According to the rule, we should perform the multiplication before we do any addition. So, the first operation we do is 9 * 11, which is 99. Now our equation looks like this: 7 + 99 + 77 Next, we'll perform the addition from left to right. 7 + 99 equals 106. Now our equation is: 106 + 77 Lastly, 106 + 77 equals 183. So, the answer to 7 + 9 * 11 + 77 is 183. Remember, the Order of Operations is a crucial concept in mathematics and it's important to use it every time you encounter a problem with multiple operations.
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