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Human Like Likedin Post Generator

Human Like Likedin Post Generator gpt prompt mini thumbnail
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Creating compelling LinkedIn content proving to be a challenge? 😓 Envision effortlessly crafting attention-grabbing posts aligned with your objectives! 🌐 Harness the potential of personalized engagement using my LinkedIn Post Generator! 💡 Just share your details, and I'll transform your concepts into engaging content with emojis and strategic hashtags. 📈 Boost your online presence today! 🚀
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Updated: 5 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
Token size
132 ($0.00092 / call)
Example input
[Main Topic/Subject]: recruitment opportunity [Key Message/Announcement]: product sellers [The goal of the Post]: attract potential workers [Target Audience]: marketing experience [The tone of the Post]: professional tone [Call to Action (CTA)]: send their CVs to a specified email address "" [Company Name]: XYZ company
Example output
🌟 Exciting Opportunity Alert! 🌟 Dear LinkedIn Community, 🚀 XYZ Company is on the lookout for talented and dynamic individuals to join our team as Product Sellers! 🛍️ If you have a passion for marketing and a proven track record of driving sales, we want to hear from you. 🔍 **Role**: Product Seller 🏢 **Company**: XYZ Company **Why XYZ?** - Innovative products - Supportive work environment - Competitive compensation **Key Responsibilities**: - Drive product sales through effective marketing strategies - Build and maintain client relationships - Achieve and exceed sales targets **Qualifications**: - Proven experience in marketing - Excellent communication and interpersonal skills - Results-driven mindset If you are ready to take your career to new heights, we invite you to be part of our journey! 🚀 To apply, send your CV to 📧 We look forward to welcoming passionate individuals to our growing team. 🔗 **#SalesOpportunity #MarketingExperts #CareerGrowth #JoinOurTeam** Feel free to share or tag someone who might be a perfect fit! Let's connect and build success together. Best, [Your Name] [Your Position] XYZ Company #JobOpportunity #NowHiring #ProductSellers #CareerDevelopment
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