Example output
Golf speed trainer:
User's goal: To improve their golf swing speed.
Search intent: Informational.
Content: Articles or videos that provide information about various golf speed training techniques, exercises, and tools that can help improve swing speed.
Golf speed tool:
User's goal: To find a tool that can help improve their golf swing speed.
Search intent: Transactional.
Content: Product pages or reviews for various golf speed tools, such as weighted clubs, speed sticks, and resistance bands.
Golf strength trainer:
User's goal: To improve their overall golf strength and power.
Search intent: Informational.
Content: Articles or videos that provide information about strength training exercises specific to golf, as well as tips on how to increase strength and power in the swing.
Golf swing speed device:
User's goal: To find a device that can measure their golf swing speed.
Search intent: Transactional.
Content: Product pages or reviews for devices that can measure golf swing speed, such as launch monitors or swing speed radar devices.
Golf swing speed trainer:
User's goal: To improve their golf swing speed.
Search intent: Informational.
Content: Articles or videos that provide information about various golf speed training techniques, exercises, and tools that can help improve swing speed, as well as tips on how to develop a consistent and powerful golf swing.