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Instagram Post Factory

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ChatGPT will use copywriting methods to create an Instagram post topic and will write it with a lot of value to properly reach your target.
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Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
120 ($0.00360 / call)
Example input
Here's what my post is about: How my coaching helped a personal development coach triple his business in 6 months. This is my target audience: personal development coaches This is who I am: an entrepreneur who coaches personal development coaches and talks about strategies to grow your business in my content on Instagram
Example output
💥The Secret Sauce REVEALED: Triple Your Biz in 6 Months! 💥 Fellow personal development coaches, do you feel like you're stuck in a rut? Spinning your wheels, working long hours, but not seeing the progress you desire? I was in your shoes until I discovered the powerful strategies that transformed my business AND my life. Now, I'm on a mission to share my secrets with YOU! 🤝 👉 Imagine tripling your business in just 6 months! 💰 Sounds impossible? My client, a personal development coach just like you, thought so too... until we worked together. 📈 🤯 Here's what happened: With my tailored coaching, he refined his niche, crafted a compelling message, and implemented a bulletproof marketing strategy. 🎯 ... ... ...
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