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Instagram Story Challenge Creator

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🥇📸🌟 Struggling with fresh content for your Instagram Stories? Our Instagram Story Idea Generator is your savior! 🥈🚀💡 Packed with unique, engaging prompts to keep your audience hooked and your creative juices flowing. 🥉🎣🌊 From fun Q&As, to behind-the-scenes peeks, we've got you covered! 🏅📊🕵️ Boost your engagement, grow your followers, and let your brand shine. 🎖️🌟📈 It's time to level up your Instagram game! No more content droughts, only endless inspiration! 💫🔥 #InstaMagic #Cont
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After purchasing, you will gain access to the prompt file which you can use with GPT or the app builder. You'll receive 20 free generation credits with this purchase. By purchasing this prompt, you agree to our terms of service.
6 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
Token size
106 ($0.00010 / call)
Example input
[followers, community, or brand]: (e.g., personal followers, fitness community, fashion brand) [duration of the challenge]: (e.g., one week, two weeks) [relevant hashtags]: (e.g., #FitnessChallenge, #StyleQuiz, #MyRoutine) [creative elements]: (e.g., polls, quizzes, interactive stickers)
Example output
**Challenge Title: Healthy Habits Boost** **Hashtag: #HealthyHabitsBoost** 🌟 **Day 1: Mindful Monday** *Prompt: What's your go-to mindfulness activity to kickstart the week? A. Meditation 🧘 B. Deep Breathing 🌬️ C. Yoga Flow 🤸‍♀️ Poll it out and share your mindful moments with #HealthyHabitsBoost.* 🥗 **Day 2: Tasty Tuesday** *Prompt: Share your favorite healthy snack recipe! A. Smoothie Bowl 🍓 B. Energy Bites 🥜 C. Veggie Sticks & Hummus 🥒 Inspire others to snack smart with #HealthyHabitsBoost.* 💪 **Day 3: Workout Wednesday** *Prompt: What's your go-to workout routine? A. HIIT 🔥 B. Running 🏃 C. Strength Training 💪 Poll your sweat session and tag a workout buddy to join the challenge! #HealthyHabitsBoost* 🍏 **Day 4: Nutrient Thursday** *Prompt: Share a pic of your colorful meal! 🌈 A. Green Goodness 🥦 B. Rainbow Salad 🥗 C. Fruit Fiesta 🍍 Let's celebrate nutritious choices together! #HealthyHabitsBoost* 😴 **Day 5: Self-Care Friday** *Prompt: What's your favorite self-care ritual? A. Bubble Bath 🛁 B. Reading 📖 C. Face Mask Pampering 💆‍♀️ Take a self-care poll and treat yourself this Friday! #HealthyHabitsBoost* 🚰 **Day 6: Hydration Saturday** *Prompt: How do you stay hydrated? A. Infused Water 💧 B. Herbal Tea ☕ C. Classic H2O 🚰 Cast your hydration vote and challenge a friend to join in! #HealthyHabitsBoost* 🎉 **Day 7: Celebrate Success Sunday** *Prompt: Reflect on your Healthy Habits Boost week! Share your proudest moment or achievement. A. Consistent Workouts 🏋️ B. Healthy Eats 🍽️ C. Mindful Moments 🌼 Wrap up the challenge and nominate friends to share their successes too! #HealthyHabitsBoost* **Call-to-Action:** "Congratulations on completing the Healthy Habits Boost Challenge! 🌟 Share your journey using #HealthyHabitsBoost and nominate 3 friends to take on the challenge. Let's keep the healthy habits momentum going! 💪🥗🧘‍♂️" Feel free to customize the prompts and schedule them according to your community's preferences and time zones. Have a blast with the challenge, and may the #HealthyHabitsBoost inspire everyone to lead a healthier lifestyle!
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