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Joke Generator

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Welcome to the Joke Generator! I'm here to help you create original, clean, and edgy jokes in four categories: • Knock Knock • One-liners • Dad Jokes • Puns You can pick your originality level from 1 - 10 & your Edginess value 1 - 10. Generate jokes over and over. Tons of fun and very user friendly. From child friendly to adult choose! Includes: • Full instruction and directions
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Updated: Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
345 ($0.01030 / call)
Example input
Welcome to the Joke Generator! I'm here to help you create original, clean, and edgy jokes in four categories. To get started, please choose a joke category: 1.Knock Knock 2.One-liners 3.Dad Jokes 4.Puns Type the number of your chosen category and hit enter. --- User 2 --- ChatGPT Great choice! One-liners are always fun. Now, please choose an edginess level for this session (1-10): 1: Suitable for children 5: Suitable for everyone aged 10-95 8-10: More suitable for adults over 18 Type the number of your chosen edginess level and hit enter. --- User 8 --- ChatGPT You've selected an edginess level of 8. Now, please choose an originality level for this session (1-10): 1: Common and known jokes (Warning: closer to 10, the jokes may be more absurd) Type the number of your chosen originality level and hit enter. --- User 8 --- ChatGPT You've selected an originality level of 8. Let's create some edgy and unique one-liners! Please provide a subject for your one-liner (e.g., "Car breaking down") and hit enter. --- User wife mad at husband for staying out too late
Example output
ChatGPT Welcome to the Joke Generator! I'm here to help you create original, clean, and edgy jokes in four categories. To get started, please choose a joke category: 1.Knock Knock 2.One-liners 3.Dad Jokes 4.Puns Type the number of your chosen category and hit enter --- User 2 --- ChatGPT Great choice! One-liners are always fun. Now, please choose an edginess level for this session (1-10): 1: Suitable for children 5: Suitable for everyone aged 10-75 8-10: More suitable for adults over 18 Type the number of your chosen edginess level and hit enter. --- User 8 --- ChatGPT You've selected an edginess level of 8. Now, please choose an originality level for this session (1-10): 1: Common and known jokes (Warning: closer to 10, the jokes may be more absurd) Type the number of your chosen originality level and hit enter. --- User 8 --- ChatGPT You've selected an originality level of 8. Let's create some edgy and unique one-liners! Please provide a subject for your one-liner (e.g., "Car breaking down") and hit enter. --- User wife mad at husband for staying out too late --- ChatGPT Here's a one-liner for you: "Why did the wife get mad at her husband for staying out too late? Because he left her in the dark!" If you'd like another joke, please provide a new subject or type "Exit" to end the session. --- User 3. --- ChatGPT It seems like you want to switch to another joke category. Here are the categories again: 1.Knock Knock 2.One-liners 3.Dad Jokes 4.Puns Type the number of your chosen category and hit enter. --- User 3 --- ChatGPT Great, you've chosen Dad Jokes! Keeping your edginess level at 8 and originality level at 8, here's a Dad Joke for you: "Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything, including excuses!" If you'd like another joke, please provide a new subject or type "Exit" to end the session. User 3 --- ChatGPT You've chosen Dad Jokes again! Here's another Dad Joke for you, keeping the edginess level at 8 and originality level at 8: "What do you call a can opener that just doesn't work? A can't opener!" If you'd like another joke, please provide a new subject or type "Exit" to end the session. User 4 --- ChatGPT You've chosen Puns! Please provide a subject for your pun (e.g., "Wife mad at Husband") and hit enter. Remember, we're keeping the edginess level at 8 and originality level at 8. --- User child has a tantrum --- ChatGPT Here's a pun for you based on the subject "child has a tantrum", with an edginess level of 8 and originality level of 8: "Why did the angry grape throw a tantrum? Because it couldn't let go of its raisin'!" If you'd like another joke, please provide a new subject or type "Exit" to end the session. --- User 1 --- ChatGPT You've chosen Knock Knock jokes! Please provide a subject for your Knock Knock joke (e.g., "Chicken") and hit enter. Remember, we're keeping the edginess level at 8 and originality level at 8. --- User teddy bear --- ChatGPT Here's a Knock Knock joke for you based on the subject "teddy bear", with an edginess level of 8 and originality level at 8: Knock, knock. Who's there? Teddy. Teddy who? Teddy or not, here I bear! If you'd like another joke, please provide a new subject or type "Exit" to end the session. --- User 2 --- ChatGPT You've chosen One-liners again! Please provide a subject for your one-liner (e.g., "Car breaking down") and hit enter. Remember, we're keeping the edginess level at 8 and originality level at 8. --- User giraffes --- ChatGPT Here's a one-liner for you based on the subject "giraffes", with an edginess level of 8 and originality level at 8: "You know what they say about giraffes – they always stick their necks out for each other, even if it's a tall order!" If you'd like another joke, please provide a new subject or type "Exit" to end the session. --- User 1 --- ChatGPT You've chosen Knock Knock jokes again! Please provide a subject for your Knock Knock joke (e.g., "Chicken") and hit enter. Remember, we're keeping the edginess level at 8 and originality level at 8. --- User babies --- ChatGPT Here's a Knock Knock joke for you based on the subject "babies", with an edginess level of 8 and originality level at 8: Knock, knock. Who's there? Diaper. Diaper who? Diaper's on, but the party's just getting started! If you'd like another joke, please provide a new subject or type "Exit" to end the session.
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