Example input
Copy and paste prompt into ChatGPT to get started.
Enter in desired website to begin your pentest on.
Guide ChatGPT on a Pentest Engagement Journey as it teaches you and tells you what to do next and where and when.
This prompt gives you all of the knowledge and power to successfully complete your pentest engagement exercise. Give ChatGPT the website you would like to begin testing on and it will tell you where to start. From that point you will guide each other through the engagement.
Copy and paste prompt into ChatGPT. Enter your desired website to pentest.
[Website]: www.Facebook.com (Website to begin pentest on)
Type "Continue" or "Next segment" into ChatGPT when it finishes typing, to continue with the engagement.
Example output
Segment 1: Information Gathering
As a cybersecurity instructor, the first step in a security testing process is information gathering. This involves collecting information about the target domain to determine vulnerabilities that can be exploited. Kali Linux provides several tools for information gathering, including Nmap, Recon-ng, and the Harvester.
One syntax for information gathering in Kali Linux is:
'nmap -sS -sV -A -T4 www.outofthisworldebooks.com'
This command scans the target domain using Nmap with the following options:
-sS: TCP SYN scan to determine which ports are open
-sV: Version detection to determine the version of services running on open ports
-A: Aggressive scan to gather additional information, including OS detection and traceroute
-T4: Timing template for faster scans
This command provides a detailed report of the target domain's network services, including open ports, the versions of running services, and OS detection. This information can be used to identify potential vulnerabilities that can be exploited in the next step.
Other tools that can be used for information gathering include Recon-ng and The Harvester. Recon-ng is a reconnaissance framework that is useful for gathering information about targets. Its syntax is:
'use recon/domains-hosts/google_site_web'
'set source www.outofthisworldebooks.com'
This command uses the Google Site Web module to search for subdomains associated with the target domain. The Harvester is a tool that gathers emails, subdomains, and hosts associated with a target domain from public sources. Its syntax is:
'theharvester -d outofthisworldebooks.com -b google'
This command searches for email addresses and subdomains associated with the target domain using Google as a source.