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Learn A Language Through Music

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Revolutionize your language learning journey with our ChatGPT prompt! Transform any song into a comprehensive language lesson. Our tool translates songs, provides phonetic pronunciation, offers detailed grammar explanations, and unravels nuanced meanings line by line. Immerse yourself in music while mastering a new language effortlessly. Start your melodic learning adventure today!
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Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
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Insert the entire lyrics of the foreign language song in place of the square brackets
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Here's a simplified spreadsheet with the requested information for each line of the song: Line Phonetic Pronunciation English Translation Grammatical Explanation Additional Information 気持ち毎日 Monday Kimochi mainichi Monday Feelings every day, Monday "気持ち" (kimochi) means "feelings" or "emotions." "毎日" (mainichi) means "every day." "Monday" is written in English. ここ数年 状況何にも変わんねー Koko suunen jokyō nanimo kawan ne For these past few years, nothing has changed "ここ" (koko) means "here," "数年" (suunen) means "a few years," "状況" (jokyō) means "situation," "何にも" (nanimo) means "nothing," "変わんねー" (kawan ne) is a colloquial form of "変わらない" (kawaranai) meaning "hasn't changed." "For these past few years" is the English translation. むしろ徐々に悪化 yeah Mushiro jojo ni akka yeah Rather, gradually worsening, yeah "むしろ" (mushiro) means "rather," "徐々に" (jojo ni) means "gradually," "悪化" (akka) means "worsening," "yeah" is the same in English. "yeah" is used here as an interjection. コンビニで甘いもん買って Konbini de amaimon katte Buying sweet things at the convenience store "コンビニ" (konbini) means "convenience store," "甘いもん" (amaimon) means "sweet things," "買って" (katte) is the te-form of "買う" (kau) meaning "to buy." - それが贅沢か 寂しいな Sore ga zeitaku ka sabishii na Is that luxury? It's lonely "それが" (sore ga) means "that," "贅沢" (zeitaku) means "luxury," "か" (ka) is a question marker, "寂しい" (sabishii) means "lonely," "な" (na) is a sentence-ending particle. - みんなケンカすんな Minna kenka sunna Everyone, don't fight "みんな" (minna) means "everyone," "ケンカすんな" (kenka sunna) is a colloquial form of "ケンカしない" (kenka shinai) meaning "don't fight." - ウチらの気持ち今から言うね Uchira no kimochi ima kara iu ne We'll tell you our feelings from now "ウチら" (uchira) means "we" or "us," "気持ち" (kimochi) means "feelings," "今から" (ima kara) means "from now," "言う" (iu) means "to say," "ね" (ne) is a sentence-ending particle. - 甘い実かじりたい Amai mi kajiritai Want to taste the sweet fruit "甘い" (amai) means "sweet," "実" (mi) means "fruit," "かじりたい" (kajiritai) means "want to taste." - VIP 待遇程遠い 浅いところ泳ぎ VIP taigū hodo tōi asai tokoro oyogi The VIP treatment is far away, swim in the shallow areas "VIP" is the same in English, "待遇" (taigū) means "treatment," "程" (hodo) means "degree" or "extent," "遠い" (tōi) means "far," "浅い" (asai) means "shallow," "ところ" (tokoro) means "place," "泳ぎ" (oyogi) means "swim." - なんかになれたらで稼ぐマニー Nanka ni naretara de kasegu mani If we become something, we'll earn money "なんか" (nanka) means "something," "になれたら" (ni naretara) is a conditional form meaning "if we become," "で" (de) is a particle meaning "by," "稼ぐ" (kasegu) means "earn," "マニー" (mani) is a transliteration of "money." - そりゃみんなみんな Sorya minna minna Well, everyone, everyone "そりゃ" (sorya) is an exclamation, "みんな" (minna) means "everyone." - 欲しいよねギラギラ~ Hoshii yo ne giragira~ We want it, right? Shining brightly~ "欲しい" (hoshii) means "want," "よね" (yo ne) is an expression seeking agreement, "ギラギラ" (giragira) is an onomatopoeia for shining brightly. "Shining brightly" is a descriptive addition. ヒラヒラ扇子のように煽げりゃ Hirahira sensu no yō ni aogerya If we fan it like a fluttering fan "ヒラヒラ" (hirahira) is an onomatopoeia for fluttering, "扇子" (sensu) means "fan," "のように" (no yō ni) means "like," "煽げりゃ" (aogerya) is a conditional form of "煽る" (aoru) meaning "to fan." - おかしな抗争とも おさらば Okashina kōsō tomo osaraba Farewell to the strange conflicts "おかしな" (okashina) means "strange," "抗争" (kōsō) means "conflict," "とも" (tomo) means "with" or "also," "おさらば" (osaraba) means "farewell." "Strange" is added for clarity. 人生ゲームで一攫千金 Jinsei gēmu de ikkaku senkin A fortune in the game of life "人生" (jinsei) means "life," "ゲーム" (gēmu) means "game," "で" (de) is a particle meaning "in," "一攫千金" (ikkaku senkin) means "a fortune in one go." - プラスチックの家でも豪邸~ Purasuchikku no ie demo gōtei~ Even in a plastic house, it's a mansion~ "プラスチック" (purasuchikku) means "plastic," "の" (no) is a possessive particle, "家" (ie) means "house," "でも" (demo) means "even in," "豪邸" (gōtei) means "mansion," "~" (tilde) indicates a continuation of the sentence. - そうね someday キュートな my car で Sō ne someday kyūtona my car de That's right, someday with a cute my car "そうね" (sō ne) means "that's right," "someday" is the same in English, "キュートな" (kyūtona) means "cute," "my car" is written in English, "で" (de) means "with." - 世界ニ 三周したいわ Sekai ni sanshū shitai wa I want to go around the world three times "世界" (sekai) means "world," "に" (ni) is a particle indicating direction, "三周" (sanshū) means "three times around," "したい" (shitai) means "want to," "わ" (wa) is a sentence-ending particle. - お腹が減ったならパンとパンの間 Onaka ga hetta nara pan to pan no aida If you're hungry, between bread and bread "お腹" (onaka) means "stomach," "減った" (hetta) is the past tense of "減る" (heru) meaning "to decrease" or "to be hungry," "なら" (nara) is a conditional conjunction, "パン" (pan) means "bread," "と" (to) is a particle meaning "and," "パン" (pan) is "bread" again, "の" (no) is a possessive particle, "間" (aida) means "between." - 札束挟んで食うのが cool (こりゃ美味いわ) Satsutaba hasande kū no ga cool (korya umai wa) Holding a bundle of bills and eating is cool (this is delicious) "札束" (satsutaba) means "bundle of bills," "挟んで" (hasande) is the te-form of "挟む" (hasamu) meaning "to hold," "食う" (kū) means "to eat," "のが" (no ga) means "is," "cool" is the same in English, "こりゃ" (korya) is an informal way of saying "this," "美味い" (umai) means "delicious," "わ" (wa) is a sentence-ending particle. "This is delicious" is an explanatory addition. アンタはそこで chill ってな Anta wa soko de chill ttena You, chill out over there "アンタ" (anta) is an informal way of saying "you," "は" (wa) is a topic marker, "そこで" (soko de) means "over there," "chill" is written in English, "ってな" (ttena) is a colloquial contraction of "っていうな" (tte iu na) meaning "don't say." - ウチらは先に行くってば Uchira wa saki ni iku tteba We're going ahead, you know "ウチら" (uchira) means "we," "は" (wa) is a topic marker, "先に" (saki ni) means "ahead," "行く" (iku) means "to go," "ってば" (tteba) is an emphatic particle. - 誰もが寝ている真夜中にニ人 Daremo ga neteiru mayonaka ni nifū In the middle of the night when everyone is asleep, two people "誰もが" (daremo ga) means "everyone," "寝ている" (neteiru) is the progressive form of "寝る" (neru) meaning "to sleep," "真夜中" (mayonaka) means "middle of the night," "に" (ni) is a particle indicating time or location, "二人" (nifū) means "two people." - 起きて見る夢だけを見たい Okite miru yume dake o mitai We want to wake up and see only dreams "起きて" (okite) is the te-form of "起きる" (okiru) meaning "to wake up," "見る" (miru) means "to see," "夢" (yume) means "dream," "だけを" (dake o) means "only," "見たい" (mitai) means "want to see." - いつになったら終わるのこの日々 Itsu ni nattara owaru no kono hibi When will these days come to an end? "いつになったら" (itsu ni nattara) means "when will," "終わる" (owaru) means "to end," "の" (no) is a particle indicating possession or subject, "この" (kono) means "these," "日々" (hibi) means "days." - 落ち着いたらビキニ身につけてワイキキビーチにでも行きたいけど Ochitsuitara bikini mi ni tsukete Waikiki bīchi ni demo ikitai kedo When I calm down, I want to put on a bikini and go to Waikiki Beach or something, but "落ち着いたら" (ochitsuitara) means "when I calm down," "ビキニ" (bikini) is the same in English, "身につけて" (mi ni tsukete) means "put on," "ワイキキビーチ" (Waikiki bīchi) means "Waikiki Beach," "にでも" (ni demo) means "or something," "行きたい" (ikitai) means "want to go," "けど" (kedo) is a conjunction meaning "but." - どんなところかはよく知らない yeah Donna tokoro ka wa yoku shiranai yeah I don't really know what it's like, yeah "どんな" (donna) means "what," "ところ" (tokoro) means "place," "か" (ka) is a question marker, "は" (wa) is a topic marker, "よく" (yoku) means "really," "知らない" (shiranai) means "don't know," "yeah" is the same in English. "Yeah" is used here as an interjection. Give me 毎月三億円 (非課税) Give me maitsuki sanoku en (hikazei) Give me three hundred million yen every month (tax-free) "Give me" is written in English, "毎月" (maitsuki) means "every month," "三億円" (sanoku en) means "three hundred million yen," "非課税" (hikazei) means "tax-free." - Please note that this is a simplified representation of the song's lyrics, and some lines may have nuances or cultural references that are not fully captured in this spreadsheet.
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