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Master Any Book Personalized Insights

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Do you struggle to internalize the key concepts and insights from the non-fiction books you read? Do you forget important ideas and struggling to apply the book's teachings to your life? Introducing "Master Any Book: Personalized Insights" - a unique way to truly understand and retain the content of any non-fiction book. Our expert prompts guide you through key ideas, challenge your beliefs, and provide actionable tips to apply the book's teachings. Never skim a great read again.
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1 year ago

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Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
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285 ($0.00850 / call)
Example input
[BOOK TITLE]: Can't Hurt Me [BOOK AUTHOR]: David Goggins
Example output
1. Main ideas, themes, important concepts and theories What would you say are the main ideas and themes presented in Can't Hurt Me by David Goggins? Can you identify some of the most important concepts and theories he discusses in the book?
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