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📅 Generate a 30-day Social Media calendar, structured and tailored to your business in one-click. 🔑 Leverage catchy headlines and relevant keywords to grab attention. 🚀 Test this strategy and boost your online presence!
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1 year ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
184 ($0.00550 / call)
Example input
Company Name: I-Academy. Industry: AI business consulting and Prompt Engineering training. [Business sector]: AI consulting and Prompt Engineering training [Target audience]: BtoB companies and BtoC individuals interested in AI and Prompt Engineering [Market] : French speaking [Platform] : Instagram
Example output
Here's a sample 30-day content calendar for I-Academy on Instagram: Day Content type Title (clickbait) Visual element Hashtags 1 Inspire 5 inspiring stories about AI that are changing the world Carousel #IA #Innovation #Inspire 2 Educate All about Prompt Engineering in 5 minutes Video #PromptEngineering #Training #Educate 3 Promote Exclusive training: Boost your AI skills! Image #IAcademy #IA Training #Promote 4 Entertain The best AI jokes to start the week Carousel #IA #Humor #Entertain 5 Inspire The young entrepreneurs revolutionizing AI Carousel #YoungEntrepreneurs #IA #Inspire 6 Educate The real-world applications of AI in your business Video #IA #Company #Educate 7 Promote Join our community of AI experts Image #IAcademy #Network #Promote 8 Entertain The science fiction movies that predicted the future of AI Carousel #ScienceFiction #IA #Entertain 9 Inspire Women leaders in the field of AI Carousel #WomenLeaders #IA #Inspire 10 Educate How to optimize your AI projects with Prompt Engineering Video #IA #PromptEngineering #Educate 11 Promote Special offer: -20% on our AI and Prompt Engineering training Image #IAcademy #Promo #Training 12 Entertain The best quotes on artificial intelligence Carousel #Quotes #IA #Entertain 13 Inspire The startups that are reinventing AI and Prompt Engineering Carousel #Startups #Innovation #Inspire 14 Educate The impact of ethics in AI development Video #Ethics #IA #Educate 15 Promote Become an AI expert with our customized training Image #IAcademy #Expert #Promote 16 Entertain The best AI memes Carousel #Memes #IA #Entertain 17 Inspire AI projects that have a positive impact on the environment Carousel #IA #Environment #Inspire 18 Educate Mistakes to avoid when implementing AI projects Video #IA #Tips #Educate 19 Promote Free webinar: How to make your AI project successful? Image #IAcademy #Webinar #Promote 20 Entertain The funniest and most endearing robots in movies INPUT: resume editing the table where you left off and continue Day Content type Title (clickbait) Visual element Hashtags 20 Entertain The funniest and most engaging robots in movies Carousel #Movies #Robots #Entertain 21 Inspire How AI helps solve complex health problems Carousel #IA #Health #Inspire 22 Educate Best practices to secure your AI projects Video #Security #IA #Educate 23 Promote Testimonials: They succeeded thanks to our AI training Image #IAcademy #Testimonials #Promote 24 Entertain The most original names of AI startups Carousel #Startups #IA #Entertain 25 Inspire The AI innovations that are improving education Carousel #IA #Education #Inspire 26 Educate The challenges to ethical and responsible AI Video #IA #Ethics #Educate 27 Promote Take advantage of our personalized coaching in Prompt Engineering Image #IAcademy #Coaching #Promotion 28 Entertain Quiz: Which famous AI character do you look like? Carousel #Quiz #IA #Entertain 29 Inspire AI applications for people with disabilities Carousel #IA #Disability #Inspire 30 Educate AI's role in combating climate change Video #IA #Climate #Educate
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