Example output
To calculate an average from information spread across multiple sheets in MS Excel, you can use a formula that refers to cells in those sheets. Here's how you can do it:
Open the workbook that contains the sheets with the information you want to average.
Go to the sheet where you want to display the average.
In a blank cell, enter the following formula: =AVERAGE(sheet1:sheet2!A1:A10)
In this example, sheet1 and sheet2 are the names of the sheets you want to average.
A1:A10 are the cells in each sheet that contain the information you want to average.
Press Enter to calculate the average.
If you have more sheets you want to average, you can add them to the formula by separating them with a comma. For example, if you have 3 sheets, the formula would be: =AVERAGE(sheet1:sheet3!A1:A10)
Here's the logical operation flow chart that summarizes the steps:
Open the workbook that contains the sheets with the information to average
Go to the sheet where the average will be displayed
Enter the formula in a blank cell: =AVERAGE(sheet1:sheet2!A1:A10)
Press Enter to calculate the average
This solution is suitable for simple averaging across multiple sheets. If your data is more complex, you may need to use other formulas or functions to calculate the average.