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Mtr Agreement Template

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Looking for a hassle-free mid-term rental agreement template? Look no further! This prompt produces a comprehensive Professional Mid-Term Rental Agreement template tailored to meet the needs of professionals looking to rent your property. The template covers all the key aspects including rental duration, payment terms, security deposit, pet policies, and more. Save time and protect your investment with this easy-to-use template.
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Over 1 month ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-4 (gpt-4)
Token size
97 ($0.00290 / call)
Example input
Create a Comprehensive MTR Agreement for corporations/professionals containing the following: [Name of the landlord and Title] : Jane Doe, Owner & LL [List of the coroporation/tenants] : ABC Corporations [Rental Address] : 246 Beach Avenue [Size of the Property] : 1000sf [Terms & Condition] : cleaning, etc [Rental and mode of payment] : $3000 via e-transfer on 1st of every month [Pet are allowed in the property] : Yes [Other inclusion or exclusion to add in the contract] : None [Date of the signature] : Today
Example output
RENTAL AGREEMENT This Rental Agreement ("Agreement") is made on [date] by and between [landlord name] ("Landlord") and [tenant name] ("Tenant"). Rental Property: Landlord hereby leases to Tenant, the property located at [property address], Vancouver, BC, Canada (the "Rental Property"), for residential purposes only. Rental Term: The rental term shall commence on [start date] and end on [end date], unless otherwise agreed to in writing by both parties. Rent: Tenant shall pay rent in the amount of [rent amount] per month. Rent is due on the [rent due date] of each month. Deposit: Tenant shall provide a security deposit in the amount of [deposit amount] to Landlord. This deposit will be returned to Tenant at the end of the rental term, subject to any deductions for damages to the Rental Property....
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