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Multilingual CVs Cover Letters

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Discover the 2024 version of this tool for generating cover letters, CVs, and interview guidelines. Simply fill out a few fields, and you'll get personalized, professional documents in any language. The tool offers: A convincing cover letter; An updated CV; Interview tips and techniques; Downloadable templates for CVs and letters; Links to interview videos based on your topic (if available). All to help you succeed effortlessly!
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Updated: 4 weeks ago
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Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
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Example input
[language]: language [gender]: Genre [First name and Last name; Postal Code; City; Country; Phone; Email, etc.]: First name and Last name; Postal Code; City; Country; Phone; Email, etc. [Date of birth; place of birth]: Date of birth; place of birth [Date of file creation DD/MM/YYYY]: Date of file creation DD/MM/YYYY [Company; city; country; Company address]: Company; city; country; Company address [Salutation of the recruiter: madam or sir the…]: Salutation of the recruiter: madam or sir the… [Subject or Position sought]: Subject or Position sought [Degrees: date; Certificates: date; attestations: date; etc.]: Degrees: date; Certificates: date; attestations: date; etc. [Career: periods; completed studies: periods; skills: periods; experiences: periods]: Career: periods; completed studies: periods; skills: periods; experiences: periods [Qualifications: date; Skills: date]: Qualifications: date; Skills: date [Soft skills]: Soft skills [Date of publication or announcement]: Type of announcement: recruitment/job offer/volunteering/etc. [Type of announcement: recruitment/job offer/volunteering/etc.]: Type of announcement: recruitment/job offer/volunteering/etc. [Name of the broadcast channel: radio/website/network/poster/etc.]: Name of the broadcast channel: radio/website/network/poster/etc. [references and addresses]: references and addresses
Example output
General title: Professional Application Package: Cover Letter, Resume, and Interview Guidelines 1. Cover Letter [City, Date from Field 5] Madam/Sir [Field 7: Recruiter's title], I am writing to apply for the position of [Field 8: Position sought], as advertised on [Field 15: Name of the broadcast channel] on [Field 13: Date of publication]. With my background in [Field 9: Degrees and certificates], combined with my professional experience in [Field 10: Career, periods], I believe I possess the skills and expertise to contribute effectively to your team. Having graduated with a degree in [Field 9: Degree] from [Field 10: Institution, periods], I have gained significant experience in [Field 10: Relevant experience], which has prepared me to excel in this role. My soft skills in [Field 12: Soft skills], such as [Soft skills examples], have helped me adapt to various environments and work efficiently within teams. I am confident that my qualifications, coupled with my dedication to [Field 8: Position sought], make me a strong candidate for this position. I look forward to the opportunity to further discuss how my skills can benefit your organization. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely, [Field 3: Candidate’s full name] [Field 3: Candidate’s contact information] 2. Resume [First and Last name from Field 3] [Postal Code, City, Country, Phone, Email] Date of Birth: Born on [Field 4: Date of birth] in [Field 4: Place of birth] Objective: Seeking the position of [Field 8: Position sought] at [Field 6: Company name], aiming to contribute with my experience in [Field 10: Relevant field]. Education: [Degree from Field 9]: [Institution, Date] [Certificates]: [Institution, Date] [Attestations]: [Institution, Date] Professional Experience: [Job Title]: [Company Name, Location, Period] Responsibilities and achievements: [Details] Skills and Qualifications: [Skills]: [Qualification, Date] References: Available upon request. 3. Vocabulary Field 1: The chosen language for the document. Field 2: Gender of the candidate. Field 3: Personal information, including first and last name, postal address, and contact details. Field 4: Birth details of the candidate. Field 5: The creation date of the file, used throughout the document. Field 6: Company details, including the name and address. Field 7: The salutation of the recruiter, based on their position. Field 8: The job position being sought. Field 9: Academic achievements, certificates, and attestations, with dates. Field 10: Career history, studies, and skills, with periods. Field 11: Qualifications and skills, with dates. Field 12: The candidate’s soft skills, such as communication and teamwork. Field 13: The date the job announcement was published. Field 14: The type of job announcement. Field 15: The platform where the announcement was made. Field 16: References, usually the contact information of previous employers or educators. 4. General Advice and Guidelines Preparation: Before your interview, review the company’s recent projects and align your experience with their needs. Presentation: Dress appropriately for the interview and maintain eye contact with the interviewer. Practice good posture and body language. Practice: Research common interview questions related to [Field 8: Position sought] and prepare your answers. Emphasize your soft skills from Field 12. Confidence: Display confidence without arrogance. Show genuine interest in the role and the company. Example: A successful interview example might include a candidate who showcased both technical skills and a strong cultural fit with the company. 5. Download Links for Sample Cover Letters and Resumes [Link 1: Sample Cover Letter PDF] [Link 2: Sample Resume PDF] 6. Links to Video Samples of Interviews [YouTube Video 1] [YouTube Video 2] [YouTube Video 3] This structure incorporates all the fields as per your instructions. Let me know if you'd like any further customization or additions!
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