Example output
Prompt Improvement:
Create a multi-layered fictional character, starting from their name, appearance, personality traits, and pivotal life events, culminating in their current circumstances and emotional state.
While the original prompt is open-ended and allows for creative freedom, it could benefit from more precise guiding points. It lacks specificity about the type of character (hero, villain, or supporting character), the genre (fantasy, sci-fi, contemporary), and the character's role in the story. It doesn't mention important aspects like appearance, personality traits, or the character's current emotional state. Thus, the improved prompt offers a more detailed path for the user to follow in developing their character.
What is the genre of the story where this character will exist?
What is the role of the character in the story (e.g., protagonist, antagonist, supporting character)?
Are there any specific characteristics or traits you want this character to have?
Category Rating (1-10)
Specificity 5
Relevance 10
Interest 7
Complexity 6
Clarity 8
Final Rating 7.2
While the original prompt's relevance is unquestionable, it falls short on specificity and complexity, offering broad guidance but missing key elements that would stimulate a rich, detailed character creation. It does fairly well on capturing interest and providing clarity.