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Music Composer

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Create custom music in any style or language with our chatGPT prompt. 🎶🌎 Try it now and elevate your sound! 🚀
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Updated: 11 months ago

Prompt Details

Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
Token size
386 ($0.00080 / call)
Example input
trap music in english
Example output
Sure, I can definitely create a trap song for you in English language. Here are the lyrics: Verse 1: I came from the bottom, now I'm on top Everyday hustlin', never gonna stop Money, power, respect, that's what I got Enemies tryna bring me down, but I won't flop Chorus: I'm livin' life in the fast lane I'm countin' money, playin' the game I'm ridin' high, feelin' no pain I'm livin' proof that dreams can change Verse 2: I'm the king of the city, can't nobody touch me Got my team behind me, we're a family We don't need no favors, we're self-made We work hard, we play hard, we're not afraid Chorus: I'm livin' life in the fast lane I'm countin' money, playin' the game I'm ridin' high, feelin' no pain I'm livin' proof that dreams can change Bridge: They say success comes with a price But I'm willing to pay it twice I've got ambition, I've got drive I won't stop until I'm alive Chorus: I'm livin' life in the fast lane I'm countin' money, playin' the game I'm ridin' high, feelin' no pain I'm livin' proof that dreams can change Outro: I'm the master of my own fate I won't let nobody dictate I'm a legend in the making And there's no way I'm ever breakin' I hope you like the lyrics to your trap song! Let me know if you have any questions or if there's anything else I can do for you.
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