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Myth Buster

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Busts Myths and other statements.
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1 year ago

Prompt Details

Completion - GPT-3.5 (text-davinci-003)
Token size
49 ($0.00100 / call)
Example input
[Myth]: Carrots help you see in the dark
Example output
The statement "Carrots help you see in the dark" is a myth that dates back to World War II. During this time, the British government spread a false propaganda campaign that suggested eating carrots could improve night vision, in order to hide the fact that they had developed a new type of radar technology. In reality, eating carrots can improve vision, but not to the extent that they can help you see in the dark. Carrots contain beta-carotene, a precursor to Vitamin A, which is essential for good vision. Vitamin A helps the retina absorb light in low light situations and is especially important for people who have difficulty seeing in the dark (such as people with nyctalopia). However, consuming carrots does not give people supernatural night vision. While carrots can help improve vision, they cannot help you see in absolute darkness. In conclusion, the statement "Carrots help you see in the dark" is false. Eating carrots can help improve vision, but they cannot give people the ability to see in the dark. Source:
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