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Play a gpt as a writer to help you with text creation, text continuation, and text output based on nouns or adjectives.
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Over 1 month ago

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Chat - GPT-3.5 (gpt-3.5-turbo)
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127 ($0.00030 / call)
Example input
Rainy days, despair, numbness
Example output
This was one of those rainy days where the heavens seemed to weep incessantly, as if mourning the world's sorrows. A young woman sat at the window of her small apartment, looking out at the raindrops trickling down the glass. Her heart was heavy with despair and numbness, and she felt as though she was drowning in an ocean of sadness. She had been struggling with depression for years, and today's weather only made it worse. She tried to distract herself with her favorite book or her favorite music, but nothing seemed to help. The more she tried to escape her thoughts, the more they consumed her. As she sat there in silence, a sudden realization struck her. She understood that sadness and despair were part of the human experience, and that she didn't have to face it alone. She slowly got up from the window and went to make herself a cup of tea. As she sipped the warm liquid, she made a decision to seek help. Over the next few days, she reached out to family and friends, and even sought professional help. She learned that there was no shame in admitting her struggles and that there was always hope for a better tomorrow. The rain continued to fall outside, but it no longer brought her down. She realized that the rain symbolized the cleansing of the soul, and that it was necessary to experience the storms of life in order to appreciate the beauty of the sunshine. She made a vow to herself to live in the moment, to appreciate the small joys of life, and to never lose hope. As she looked out the window once more, she saw a rainbow in the distance. It was a small but powerful reminder that even after the darkest of storms, there was always a glimmer of hope and light.
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